Tag Archive | websites

Even through the pain

I have been struggling a bit with depression (for no specific reason) and some tmjd issues which have been quite severe.

It’s unfortunate but true that depression makes a person feel utterly and desperately hopeless and even the positive and amazing things no longer thrill the person.

Sometimes depression can sap so much energy and strength and desire that nothing helps the person feel better at all.

I have gotten in the habit of dwelling on the positives and letting them impact me even when I’m deeply depressed.

Not too long ago when I would suffer a severe bout of depression very often nothing could affect me to make it lift a little. There was nothing I was able to consciously or intentionally do to help me see the light and help me see it through.

But I frequently have made it a point to focus on the greatness in life no matter my mood, good, bad, or desperately hopeless.

This has helped me more often to be able to see some glimmer of hope and spark of positivity even in my lowest depth of despair and pain.

Depression has a way of leading someone to become in the habit of being pessimistic and negative even when the depression lifts. The habit has already been formed and deeply ingrained. But remember a habit CAN be undone and changed.

One of the most incredible things that have helped me are the positive songs and websites/blogs I have come across.

Even when I don’t necessarily agree with every perspective of an author or creator of a blog or website, I still get the gist of the warm message being conveyed.

Here are some pages online that have had a tremendous and positive impact on me.

These are in no specific order:


1.) http://www.positive-focus.com


2.) http://www.positivelypositive.com/


3.) http://www.jonathanlockwoodhuie.com/


4.) http://www.enlightenedmessages.com/


5.) http://www.csulb.edu/~tstevens/hcontent.htm


Number 5 is an amazing e-book written by a psych. doctor!


6.) http://www.lifelonghappiness.com/welcome


7.) http://www.inspirationline.com/


These pages/blogs are amazing, uplifting, positive, and so helpful!


I have subscribed to all of them that have a subscribe option so every single day I open my e-mail inbox and it’s full of so much positivity & inspiration. I hope everyone else will also benefit by checking all of these out! ❤ 

:-D. Keep smiling and remember there’s always something to smile about. 
