Archive | June 2018

Always look on the bright side of lifeπŸ˜πŸŒžπŸ’›

Some things in life are bad
They can really make you mad
Other things just make you swear and curse
When you’re chewing on life’s gristle
Don’t grumble, give a whistle and this’ll help things turn out for the best
Always look on the bright side of life

Bright Side of Life (song)

Sometimes, I share posts on facebook with heartwarming stories about animals who were abused/severely injured and left to die but were suddenly rescued by Earth angels and saved then forstered & adopted! How beautiful! Whenever I share a post like this, theres almost always someone who comments or reacts with the crying face emoji.

This doesnt resonate with me because im prone to seeing the bright side of things, not always but usually. I have a natural inclination to see the good and I have strengthened that natural inclination with personal development techniques like meditation and intentional gratitude practice. I definitely still have room to evolve!

Instead of crying about the dogs being abused & injured, abandoned, neglected…why not rejoice in the fact that they are now healed and have loving furever homes? Of course it’s sad, devastating, that those poor babies had to suffer like that. But we have a choice to focus on that or focus on the happy ending.

This goes for everything in this life. We can dwell on the pain, negativity, unpleasant or give thanks for the good, the beauty, the pleasant.

This is a great reminder to me even though I’m generally positive. Recently, I let myself sink into a deep, dark, depression because of something I wish was different. Depression is an illness but we do have some degree of control over certain aspects. Through the years, I have learned how to often prevent a fullblown episode of depression before it hits, when I can feel it about to come on.

If I would have made the choice to not dwell on this thing I wish was different and instead give thanks for everything that is good and all the life lessons learned through the “bad,” there’s a good chance, I would have prevented the hell I was living in for over a month. After it already pulled me in, there was no getting out of it until it finally ended, gradually, on its own. I already receive professional help but still struggle with it on and off.

So it’s especially important for me to remember to look on the bright side of life!

And, I want to share this screen capture of a photo of this beautiful girl! She was on an episode of The Ellen Show. I remember her expressing compassion for people with any sort of struggle such as job less. She said we’re all in this together. This is a woman who lost her toddler son in a tragic accident. She LOST HER SON! He died. Like, he’s never coming back. He was laughing and playing one second and a second later, he was gone forever. And she can still smile like this. And express compassion for others who have experienced nothing near as horrific as what she has experienced & still experiences after such a significant loss. Awe-inspiring.

A sweet reminder to us all!

Much love & light,

Xoxo Kim❀

Some Wednesday wisdomπŸ’š

“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ❀

“Take that first step even if you can’t see the whole staircase.” ❀

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” ❀

“No matter how long we have been traveling down the wrong road, as long as we’re alive, it’s never too late to turn around and begin again.”❀

It’s never too late! Life is hope. Keep going!

Much love & light,

Xoxo Kim

The gift of life [and love] β€

Penn Medicine – Organ transplantation/donation

When it comes to love, you gamble when you need to…you’ll maybe break your heart on one unlucky throw but then again, you’ll never know.

You’ll Never Know – Ringo Star

This is a screen capture of some info. Off of the pennmedicine website for organ transplantation/donation. There are too many people in need of organs. I’m not sure if everyone knows that if we are generally healthy, we can donate a kidney to someone, even a random stranger, while we are still here, alive. And live donation is generally more successful than donation after the donor has died(especially if the donor & recipient are biologically related). You can see these facts on the Penn Med page, above.

I see so many things with people saying they want to help save others after they die and people saying they don’t like the thought of their organs being inside someone else “after death” but guess what?! We don’t have to wait to die! It seems like people are under the impression that organ donation has to wait til after death. Of course for some organs, such as the heart, we have to die first. But kidney, partial liver, bone marrow…can be donated now. Also, blood, platelets, plasma red…can be donated every once in a while.

Red Cross – blood drives (in U.S.)

Im just sharing this in case anyone wants to consider or promote live donation in any way. It’s certainly not without risks to the donor (and recipient) but in my opinion, well worth the risks to myself. I have two perfectly functioning kidneys(least I think so). Someone else doesn’t even have one. Unfortunately, organ transplantation is not always successful. There is a chance the person’s body will reject the transplanted organ. Not only is this devastating for the recipient but can also be for the live donor. To give up a crucial part of our own body to try to save/extend someone else’s life and it doesn’t work. And we can’t get that organ back either. Still, it’s worth it. We don’t know if we don’t try. My philosophy is that some things are well worth the risk of disappointment/devastation. It still won’t be for nothing.

And that person still will receive our love.

I dont believe anyone has a moral responsibility/obligation to have our own body cut into and have an organ removed! Or blood taken. It’s just a sweet, incredibly generous, act of kindness im putting out here in case it resonates with anyone in any way. Like I frequently say/write, I don’t judge those who aren’t interested in this or too scared or cant for whatever reason. Social media is a great way to bring awareness to something even if we cant or wont ever or currently participate in it our own self.

I have this dream/goal, for years now, that has to do with organ donation. I thought about it off & on for years, sometimes more seriously than others, but always sure. Recently, it has been on my mind more than ever and I am even more passionate than ever about it. It can’t be yet because I have some circumatances to change/get even better first. But in some ways, I am preparing. I hope so much that in the somewhat near future, it will be a reality.

I have given it much thought, research, and talked to people about it recently. I know it’s my calling. I am inspired and ready(just in my head for now).

One night, recently, in the dead of night I woke up with this disturbing “what if…” what if it doesnt work???

Then instantly, song lyrics popped into my head. A song sung by Ringo Starr.

When it comes to love, you gamble when you need to…you’ll maybe break your heart on one unlucky throw but then again, you’ll never know.❀❀❀

I love this song!! And sometimes, I listen to it over & over & over again. But I havent heard or thought of it much lately. So I love how it popped into my head out of nowhere. It was probably in my “unconscious mind.”

It is the most beautiful concept, really it is. Reach out in love no matter what. Then let go. Whatever happens, happens. Make the most of it and cherish whatever good there is in each day.

I want to share this message not just in relation to organ donation but anything that is our goal or something we desire. It may not work out how we intended but at least we tried! And you never know, it may just go as we hoped or even better! Even if it’s something just for us and no one else, go for it!! Taking a risk, even if it all “fails,” can inspire others to take steps to achieve some goal or dream. Keep, keep going!!! And trying & falling can strengthen us. There is no such thing as failing unless we choose to stay down.

I am so ready!! I am ready to reach out in love and then let go. Hope for the best but know it’s all worth it if the worst should occur.

My love goes out to all who are in need of any kind of transplant and their families/friends. One day, I will try to help with more than just sharing on social media. And my love goes out to all organ donors (alive & deceased) and their families/friends. Since I was a little girl, I have always had a special love for those in need of an organ, even though I don’t know them. And I always knew that I want to help. I think life is beautiful and want us all to have as much as possible. And acts of kindness are beautiful and this is a great act of kindness. There is no one not worthy of this gift, no matter what religious or political views or ethnicity or sexual orientation or gender identity, nationality, skin color, size, physical appearance, relationship status, mistakes made, financial status, homeless or not, jobless or not, education level, age….in my opinion. We are all worthy of the gift of life.

It is a beautiful gift to have excellent health and a wonderful way to “give back” or “pay it forward” or just give thanks, is to share some of that good health with others.❀❀❀

This was going to be an instagram post but I realized it’s too long so I put it here instead and added to it.

Here are some tags relating to the topic.

#actsofkindness #love #universallove #loveforall #organdonation #livedonation #donatelife #savealife #giveblood #belove #lovevibrations #organtransplant #ordinaryangels #earthangels #givehope #givelife #thankyou #hope #keepgoing #sharingiscaring #awe #life #inspiration

(I found this on the ground recently!)

Also, I thank all the doctors/nurses and others who care for everyone involved with organ donation/transplantation. I thank organ donors (living and not) and their families. Thank you, thank you!!❀

Much love & light,

Xoxo Kim

Life’s purpose is simply to live.

“If you are alive by the end of the day, your life is a success. Your cells and organs don’t give a damn about how much money you have in the bank, the kind of clothes you wear, how much your job is praised, how many friends you have, if you have a lover or not, or how many people approve of you. Your body only cares about being well nourished, rested, and safe.

It’s harder to do it alone and jobless, but even homeless people manage to do it. So throw away what makes your life miserable, not your life. Expectations, goals, dreams, energy robbers, beliefs, food that your body can’t handle, overwork to gain stuff and status that aren’t even vital… live in the present. And life won’t feel as much of an overwhelming burden. Life’s purpose is simply to live.” ❀

Keep going!!πŸ’œ Live in the present moment.

Edit: I forgot to mention, I found this here:Uncommon Sense (please don’t be alarmed if you click on it and instantly see it says that it’s a guide for how to hang yourself! It’s satirical but compassionate and written by a woman who has been suicidal & now chooses life. Also, please be aware there are some seriously graphic images on this website. She is trying to show us what suicide attempts can result in. I was not looking for images like this and gasped out loud when I saw them and scared my dog!! Im only sharing this link because I want to give credit to the person who wrote what I am sharing here. Im not suggesting anyone click on this link.)

Much love & light, always,

Xoxo Kim

Mental loop

“I sit at my desk. San Francisco sparkles through the large bedroom windows. A Coca Cola sign blinks off, then rebuilds itself, one letter at a time. I see cars on Market street, red taillights. The famous tower over twin peaks is swallowed up by the night, hidden by fog. A neighbor’s balcony light comes on. Sliding door opens, a woman in shorts and t-shirt steps out, kneels to pick something up, then returns inside. The door shuts. If you were to open up my head at this moment and peer within, you’d find yourself asking with a thick Southern drawl, ‘Does this boy not have an imagination?’ There is only one thought running through my head: I love myself. I love myself. I love myself.”~Kamal Ravikant ❀

Much love & light,

Xoxo Kim

It’s a confession session!!😁

“You can take the darkness from the pit of the night
and turn into a beacon burning endlessly bright”

Making love out of nothing – air supply

I wrote this like three weeks ago(??) but just posting it now. I have been in the throes of a deep, dark depression. It really had a firm hold on me. This is the longest & worst one in years. It’s like something crushing my whole body. My head felt like a pancake. Like something so heavy, flattening it. These episodes used to last for months then began only lasting a couple weeks. This one is over a month now and so intense. I have not been handling this as well as I usually handle them. Also if you read this post, you will see I mention a friend who is no longer my friend. Maybe we are still friends but it’s not like it used to be. I have been struggling with this grief. Not grief like when someone dies but a kind of grief for something that isn’t the same anymore. Thank you for the sweet comments!! I will get back to you. My head has been so heavy, I was hardly able to see straight. There are so many things to be happy about and I am and still genuinely laugh & smile but underneath it all, there was this emptiness, loneliness, sorrow, pain, this purposelessness. This Sickness crushing my existence. It’s extremely rare for me to say/think negative things about myself even when im depressed. But with this depression, I have been. I felt like this episode was trying to end but then something kept pulling me back into it. It’s like quicksand pulling me and the more I struggled, the deeper it pulled me in. But at least it’s not my physical pain disorder acting up(it does off & on but nothing very serious recently), which is worse than this in a way.

Two days ago was the first full day in forty days that I had no suicidal thoughts/urges/contemplation. It was gray outside & rainy but I felt like the sun was shining on me non stop all day & night. I couldnt stop smiling.

I am generally very happy but with recurring episodes of severe depression, usually for no reason.

It seems I am coming out of this depression now. It started to lift but I can still feel the aftermath of it. Like if you have ever had a bad cold or influenza and it’s over or about to be you can still feel the effects of it. I have been hit hard. After over a month of thick, heavy layers upon layers of nearly debilitating depression, my body has some healing to do. But my sense of self is stronger again. It feels like if Im not careful, it can pull me back in as Im not completely healed yet. So I have to be mindful of it for a while and be especially careful of triggers. This thing is just like any physical illness that can flare up. No matter what anyone says or believes about it, I am convinced it’s a disease. I know what it does to me, not just my mood and thought process but my physical body as well. It is a disease. But I still have the ability to make choices that can help it.

This post is long so I want to add more pics so here is one of me on June 5th, I think. I was happy to be in a park on a sunny & breezy day with my best friend furever (my dog[actually she isnt mine but i love her the same]).

So here is my post(written three weeks ago).

Ok, so I have a confession! Very awkward lol

I have been severely depressed & suicidal since May 3, 2018. It’s bad. It was triggered by an external factor (not like some big incident, just someone who was my good friend for many years and my closest friend is not my friend anymore [he replaced me with someone else; it happened gradually over the last few months and the depression hit me hard that day & is ongoing- it’s not his fault Im suicidal & depressed though as no one but me is responsible for my happiness]and now I have no one and it has completely devastated my whole life) and now just took on a life of its own. Two of the most annoying symptoms are, nothing has any flavor and I cant concentrate on anything. Also, forget about sleeping! There is this devastating sense of complete worthlessness & lack of purpose. Like theres no reason for me to be here in this world and im stuck here and no matter what I do, there is no point and like it will always be this way. My existence is totally worthless. Often when a depressive episode hits, I can tell myself it’s just an illness lying to me, not really that Im worthless but with this one, it’s hard. It seems like it’s not really an illness afflicting me but true pointlessness/worthlessness. There is external evidence. And on top of it, I cant taste anything. Everything is so bland. It’s like everything is covered with something.

Certain songs still inspire me and bring some sense of life into the numbness like the song sung by Air Supply Im sharing here. But everything else is blah. Im sharing this song because it deeply inspires me. It seems like a sad breakup song but just look at those lyrics!

Everytime I see you all the rays of the sun are
Streaming through the waves in your hair
And every star in the sky is taking aim at
Your eyes like a spotlight
The beating of my heart is a drum, and it’s lost
And it’s looking for a rhythm like you
You can take the darkness from the pit of the night
And turn into a beacon burning endlessly bright
I’ve gotta follow it

Isn’t this so beautiful? This person is a light for someone else even in his/her own pain and even when they are no longer together.

The man is singing to someone who has experienced great pain and can take the darkness & use it to become light. He is inspired even though this person seems to have left him. How incredibly beautiful & deeply inspiring!

Everything has become a hassle. I struggle to do simple, mundane things like walking. It’s taking the life right out of me.

And I have lost much of my sense of self. I have also been experiencing anger, which is not typical of me even when I’m depressed. But now Im walking around harboring anger, some occasions more than others. It’s not even really directed at anyone or anything specifically but does tend to show in my interactions with people. Im not unhappy with my whole life in general; it was one thing and like I said, now became a thing of its own and so Im taking it out on everything and not thankful for anything good I have. It’s not fury, just ordinary anger. I dont know what to do because there isn’t anything specifically I want to change necesarily. It’s just everywhere I go, I am surrounded in darkness & crushed by some invisible thing. Im in a different world than everyone else. This is not my choice and not merely a bad mood.

All of my passion is gone. I used to love walking, working, being out & about, now it’s all just an obligation that I have to force myself to do. I know my love for it is still here somewhere and can feel it but it’s now dormant. Even my dogs sense something wrong with me and try to make me better. And I push them away. So they try harder. It’s funny & cute.

It is possible to be very depressed and still have a positive attitude about it. And usually I do. But with this one, I have the absolute WORST attitude about it. I choose to. I’m making a choice in each moment to approach this battle with a lousy attitude. Lol At least im admitting it!

I’m so done with this life. Im not even waiting for this episode to end because I really dont think it’s going to.

My mom wants me to go to a hospital but I’m not.

I am still my very easily amused self though! That hasnt changed at all. I still have genuine belly laughs everyday! And my smile is sincere. Even though Im deeply depressed, I am not miserable or gloomy or bitter. Some people think when depressed people smile, joke, or laugh, it’s a coverup to hide the pain. But im not trying to hide anything. If I was, then I wouldnt be posting this. I am just naturally lighthearted & cheerful even when my whole body is heavy with depression. Not all of us are fakes. Depressed people can still smile & laugh & love for real.

I must admit that I still have things to be joyful about and they do bring me joy but even that true joy doesnt make me want to live. I still savor the moments of simple joy. Each occasion Im with a furball, a cool breeze on a hot day, all the Spring flowers (I sometimes stop to inhale the scents, so beautiful), a belly laugh, saying hello to a friendly stranger…it’s not the same though, with depression.

As bad as this depression is, one of the worst I have ever experienced, for sure, it is not the worst thing I ever felt. Grief and cluster-like headaches are worse (at least to me) even though grief & loss and those physical headaches dont usually contribute to me wanting to die and this severe depression does. Interesting right?! This somewhat lesser pain gets me wanting to die more than more severe pain. It’s a different kind of pain though. It doesnt always have to do with severity level but the kind it is.

This depression sucks but sure is better than those headaches! At this moment, I would choose this over those devastating, horrifying headaches.

I recently came across some things that surprised and amused and inspired me.

I found this one during a very difficult struggle last week, I think(I have no sense of time anymore), walking up the street in the rain. I was desperate for anything to ease my mind and right then, I saw a fortune cookie, broken, on the ground. I picked up the pieces and read the fortune before eating the cookie! Lol jk I did read the fortune but did not eat the cookie!

I laughed out loud because it’s so coincidental and perfect for my situation. It’s true that people want us to succeed, even strangers! People are always stopping to help others and sending gifts to those in need in the midst of tragedies, donating blood and money and other things. Anyway, it doesnt matter if people are rooting for us or not but the thing is, they are!

One day, I was in a car thinking about killing myself just as I looked over and saw this. Lol

I was at a subway recently (not to kill myself but for a different reason) and it was on my mind and then I saw this. Im not calling the number but I love the message. ❀

I told my mom and she is 100% convinced they are some sort of supernatural “signs” that I should stay in the world. I dont believe in signs like that at all. To me, they are coincidences. But I was still happy to see them.

My mom was angry at me because she was talking to me and I got angry and started saying negative things. She recently called my friend, the one who replaced me, a rude word, only to me, not to his face, and then later while talking to me again about something else, I brought it up and said it was rude of her to call him that and that she probably thinks it of me also. And my sister was also angry at me because she was concerned about me (i was out late one night without my phone n she thought I got murdered and i had like 20 annoying messages)and I told her to fuck off. She then told me to go fuck my self. Lol I was amused when she said it to me. My mom said we have terrible language. I rarely talk like this! Im posting this so people can see the truth, that im not sweet, kind, and beautiful like people seem to think. Im not constantly angry and rude or snippy like this, more often I’m not. I still smile at strangers and say hello and want to help people in need. So it’s not that im like a horrible monster or psycho. But im also not beautiful and pleasant like im often mistaken for.

It feels that something has invaded me, invaded my body, my existence, my whole life. A dark, heavy cloud or quilt just hangs over me everywhere I go. It weighs on me physically. I have felt the life force drained right out of me and dont know that I will ever get it back. I dont know that I will ever be the happy girl I was. This is my life now. This isnt a usual episode of suicidal depression that I have occasionally. Those are nothing new. They come and go and Im generally happy. This thing is worse. This one has ruined me.

My body has never been so sick. It’s like each part of me weighs 1000 pounds. It feels like my body is producing extra blood and making me extra heavy and hard to move. My ass drags. Lol Im not trying to be funny but I did just make myself laugh with that.

Now maybe someday the suns gonna shine
Flowers will bloom and all will be fine
But nothing’ll grow on this burnt cursed ground
‘Cause the breath of the death is the only sound

A strange thing is, somehow, deep inside, I have have this suspicion. I suspect that I can & will get better, that I can be that girl again. The happy girl, full of life, passion. It’s just this faint inkling deep within that I really do have what it takes to get back to myself, to not live in darkness, in pain, in emptinenss. I know it’s my responsibility to get better. But I dont care to embrace that small spark of hope. I dont have the motivation, the strength to hope or try to fix. I have this angry tenacity that wants to extinguish that speck of hope, that glimpse of Knowing. I want to drown it and just disappear forever. But I can feel it here.

(Me today)

Fun fact: I dont care what I look like anymore (I was never overly concerned even when Im not depressed – I go out in pjs sometimes and with no makeup n ratty hair!😁) or what clothes I wear. (This surely isnt the fun part!) Getting a shower & dressed in the morning is just a big hassle. But it has to be done, right? So heres the fun part! I just reached into my clothes to pull out any random shirt and the one I happened to get is my one & only suicide prevention/HOPE shirt! Lol So I wore it n walked around all day feeling like a hypocrite.

Here is me recently in my “STAY” shirt! A while ago, over a year ago, I was in a depressive state and wondering if I should stay or go and was actually thinking those exact words when I looked up and saw a heart painted on a wall with the word “STAY” just like this one. I was inspired & found it heartwarming and love the heart! It inspired me so much & I carried it with me then coincidentally, a while later, I actually met the girl who put it there, in person! Amazing! I told her how much her work inspires me, especially the STAY heart and as a gift, she have me this shirt, a pin, & a print all with this heart!❀

And one last thing, on a more positive note, I totally conquered my debilitating fear being on an elevator alone! I did!! I even fulfilled my dream! Lol Usually we probably think of big things like educations and jobs and stuff when we hear/read about dreams being fulfilled. This one is simple but to me it was very important. There is one elevator that really scared me more than the rest, just looking at it. And it’s very slow. I truly believed I would never ever be able to get onto that one alone, even after recovery. Somehow I recovered enough to get onto that one alone! Without any fear!! Holy guacamole! LolπŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜™

So, to sum it all up: im depressed & suicidal and often in complete despair and have been for like nearly a month and it’s not necessarily that I dont think it can get better but just that I dont even have the motivation or strength to try to get better. It takes everything out of me. Usually, I just let them run their course and they get better on their own along with my positive attitude and personal development techniques that help them along. But Im just about sure this one isnt going anywhere on its own and on top of it, my attitude about it sucks and im doing nothing to help it. Ultimately, it’s up to me to get myself better. It doesnt feel like it can or will ever get better but some part of me Knows it can. I dont know if it’s even worth it to keep going or try anything to help me.

(Lol I see this on a wall everyday & it resonates with me in my depression.)

It’s like im so worthless it’s not worth keeping me alive. This is true. I really dont know if I am going to win this battle with this one.

I know it’s my choice though and that this is no one’s fault or responsibility but my own. I dont know if I will muster the strength to win this battle. I really may not survive this one like I always do. I don’t see a point in me surviving & keep not wanting to even if it can get better. I keep wanting everything to end, good & bad alike. This is very, very bad. This one is kicking my ass good!!

This is an awkward post, right?! But it’s real and it’s good to post the good & the bad (if we dont mind sharing!) so people can see we arent all one or the other. And my main reason for posting this is in case it can help someone else in any way. It may help to read about someone else’s experience & these sweet messages here!

(Lol! Ok. When I saw this “hang in there you pussy,” it really made me want to hang on if even just a little bit longer. I laughed myself to sleep, genuinely amused. It may be a bit inappropriate but definitely lightens my mood. A suicide prevention person shared it. Kind of appalling to call us pussies while advocating suicide prevention [like wth?] but still funny.)

Just so everyone knows, I am not in any way dangerous to anyone else at all. I only want myself to die and if I ever do choose to go, it will be a way that will not in any way hurt or interfere with anyone else. No matter how low I sink, I never want to hurt/kill anyone else, physically or psychologically(so I wont kill myself in public with anyone around or any way that involves or potentially involves others like in traffic/train/jumping). If there is even the slightest chance anyone else (human, animal, or insect) can be hurt physically or suffer psychological damage of witnessing the act or being involved in any way, I will not choose that method. I prefer to live in agony than hurt others. I have absolutely no desire to hurt/kill/traumatize anyone and also I know it’s wrong morally &/or legally. Even when I sink to the lowest depth of my despair(like lately), I still have my wit about me enough to know it is wrong to hurt others. I love everyone!! I won’t hurt you!!❀ I’m responsible. I am not homicidal and not a psycho and have no urge to go on a rampage. Never have. I want my own pain & worthlessness to end. That is all. And I am not going to “snap” & go on a killing spree. There is no such thing as “snapping.” That is a myth. I cherish/value all life, just not my own now. Most of us aren’t a threat to others but we still have people who think we are.

I wish you, anyone who may be reading this, the best and hope you are surrounded in love & light & beauty. If you’re struggling hard like I am, then as you can see, you arent alone in the struggle. I am here. (Not for long hopefully, lol jk) Much love & light, always…

P.s. June 13, 2018 – I dont mind having this disease. I like what it teaches/reminds me and how it deepens my empathy and how it strengthens me after weakening me. And I just love so very much, the feeling of it lifting. It’s like a whole new world. It is totally worth living in deep, oppressive darkness for weeks or months just for the few days of the feeling of it lifting. What a gift!! So beautiful. Depression is not my enemy. It’s my teacher, my disease, my gift, part of me and I embrace it. Of course it’s easier to say this when I’m not in the midst of it. I wasn’t always able to say this but now I can. Also, if this post is full of spelling or any other errors, I wasn’t in my right mind when I wrote most of it. Lol Maybe I’m going to survive this battle after all?

xoxo Kim ❀