
List of Happy on the last day of May! πŸŒΈβ€οΈ

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This is me in March 2020. I was super super happy (I’m happy in general when my depression isn’t flaring but sometimes I am in an especially joyful mood and was here 😁). You can see it all over my face! LoL

Anyway, here is my current list of Happy!

1.) My job! It’s very fulfilling and fun and joyful! I’m a pet nanny! 🐾😻🐢

2.) Iced green tea 🍡 matcha lattes! I love them and have been drinking them everyday. πŸ’š

3.) My body/health. It’s beautiful and energetic and holds me well. It allows me to do everything I want to do and recovers so quickly. I rarely get sick and when I get cut, my cuts heal super quickly. When I contracted the plague in 2020, I never even knew it because I never got sick! (I did thoroughly lose my taste/smell for two months, thought I had nerve damage) I only found out donating blood! The Red Cross told me I have the antibodies. I have a wicked immune system. I’m not thankful for not getting sick then (I was out in public walking around not knowing, though did not go near anyone and always had a mask on) but just goes to show how great my body is.

4.) My photography/glitch art hobby – It brings me joy and I’m good at it!

5.) My online friends! ❀️ Sometimes online friends are better than the in person ones(not that I currently have in person friends but hope to soon!).

6.) Movies! I love horror and comedies and especially love falling asleep watching horror ones!

7.) Acts of kindness πŸ’œ

8.) Philadelphia – My true love πŸ’™ I just love walking its streets all day & night. πŸŒ† πŸ™οΈ

9.) Oldies music! ❀️ The main music I listen to!

10.) My ability to experience compassion and sadness for others no matter how old it gets. I keep seeing people seeing they are too numbed by the violence all around us to care anymore. Sometimes that happens to me when I am severely depressed and especially when also extremely overworked along with it. Depression can burn out all our emotions when it’s extremely severe (it’s nothing at all to do with being a bad or uncaring person, can happen to anyone) but in general I can experience compassion and empathy and sadness and happiness for others.

11.) The birdsong on Spring & Summer nights. I can hear it now! πŸ’• Beautiful!

12.) That beautiful tender loving feeling when a depressive episode or wave is gradually lifting. I have always said that it’s almost worth it to be so sick because the feeling of it lifting is so beautiful and amazing. And I don’t use the word “amazing” loosely. ❀️

I hope you are having a beautiful day or night wherever in the world you are and remember to look for the good even in the darkness. πŸ–€

Xoxo Kim β€οΈπŸ’•

Saturday Inspiration 🌞 πŸŒΈ

“An old farmer was once asked at a meeting of the Agricultural Congress to give his opinion on the best slope of land for the raising of a particular kind of fruit. ‘It does not make so much difference,’ said the old man, ‘about the slope of the land as the slope of the man.’ Many a farmer who has the right slope makes a good living and gets a competence on very poor soil, while the farmer who does not slope the right way barely exists upon the richest soil. Happiness does not depend so much upon our being favorably environed as upon the slope of our mind. It is not enough to extract happiness from ideal conditions; any one can do that. But it is the self-mastered, the self-poised soul who can get happiness out of the most inhospitable surroundings. ‘Paradise is here or nowhere. You must take your joy with you or you will never find it.’ The trouble with us is that we expect too much from the great happenings, the unusual things, and we overlook the common flowers on the path of life, from which we might abstract sweets, comforts, delights.”

Xoxo Kim πŸ’œ

Honoring the present moment πŸŒΈ

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This is a beautiful blog and blog post by husband & wife, Marc & Angel. I love their wisdom. I recommend this blog post to all! I think it’s a reminder most of us can use now and again. πŸ’—πŸŒΈπŸ₯€βš˜πŸŒ±πŸŒ·πŸŒΌπŸŒ»πŸŒΊ

“Admitting the Hard Truth, and Embracing It

Where you are and what you’re doing at any given moment is absolutely essential.

Because it is the only moment guaranteed to you.

You are not on your way somewhere else.

You are not progressing to a more important time or place.

The present is not just a stepping-stone: It is the ultimate destination, and you have already arrived.

This moment is where your greatest power lies.

This moment is your life!

It might seem obvious, but, again, I forget.Β  And I know you do too.

All day, every day, many of us feel like the present isn’t enoughβ€”like our life isn’t worthy of our full presence.”

“What if we admitted that life is slipping away right now, and saw the fleeting time we have as enough, without needing to share it on social media or capture it or alter it in any way?”

This is true. I have found a balance of both, treasuring the present moment while also capturing its beauty to share with others. I take in the beauty and if it’s still there after basking in the presence of it, I take a pic. When I’m standing under a cherry 🌸 blossom tree and there’s a butterfly or sparrow on one of its branches, I first allow myself to be in the moment and if it’s all still the same a few moments later and I can get a picture, that’s amazing, and if not, that’s great too! But experiencing it, fully, is more important than getting a picture and interrupting the full presence. Sometimes I look out a window and see a beautiful scene with traffic and people and I have an urge to run and get my phone for a picture to capture it exactly as it is thwn before it changes but I know if I turn to get my phone, it won’t be the same when I get back, so I just stand and accept the beauty as it is in that fleeting moment without a picture.

One Hard Thing You Must Admit Before Your Life Slips Away by Marc & Angel

I hope you are having a beautiful day or night wherever in the world you are! πŸ’—

Xoxo Kim

September SongπŸ’™

“Do you remember the 21st night of September?
Love was changin’ the minds of pretenders
While chasin’ the clouds away
Our hearts were ringin’ in the key that our souls were singin’
As we danced in the night, remember
How the stars stole the night away” πŸ’œπŸ–€πŸŽΆ

September Song – Earth, Wind, & Fire πŸ’™

What a great song! One of those pick me up, feel good songs to get us pumped! I am so happy for the end of Summer and beginning of Fall!! I’m ready for cool nights, pumpkins, pumpkin spice everything…which we have already been having! But will be so much more fun in October! It’s cooler than it usually is now in the City of Brotherly Love! 🧑 Anyone who needs a bit of cheer or just wants to add some more to your day or night, please listen to the above song! I listen to it like everyday! πŸ˜πŸ˜„πŸŽƒ

I hope you are having a beautiful day or night wherever in the world you are!

xoxo Kim

Aesthetic Attraction πŸ₯°πŸ’‹

Me! πŸ–€

She’s A Bad Mama Jama (She’s Built, She’s Stacked) πŸ’š

“She’s poetry in motion
Beautiful sight to see
I get so excited
Viewing her anatomy” πŸ’œ

Fun fact about me: I have a very strong aesthetic attraction to women, always have. Only women, both trans and cis. In case anyone is not sure what trans & cis are: A trans woman(SHE/HER – unless she states otherwise) is a person who has a body that is considered to be the body of a male(has male sexual organs) and has the gender identity/mind of a female. When they are open about it/choose to act on/express their gender identity, they often transition to whichever degree they choose(clothing, hormones, surgery…all or any of these and maybe other things) and look just like cis women look. A cis woman(SHE/HER -unless she states otherwise) is what most women are, a person who has the body of a female(female sexual organs) and also the gender identity/mind of a female and often look the way trans women who transition look. Trans and cis women are equally women no matter what organs we have or don’t have. This goes without saying but some people need to be reminded.

And sometimes, I have the aesthetic attraction to non-binary people(these are people who have any sexual organs but do not necessarily have the gender identity of a male or a female – they may have aspects of both or be agender and not have female or male aspects or some[not all] can feel male sometimes and later female or later feel agender – it’s not a choice and is valid even if it were a choice…these are just a couple examples of non-binary; there may be more and often non-binary people identify as THEY/THEM but it’s important to ask if we do not know -if unsure, asking anyone “What are your pronouns?” is completely acceptable and appropriate even someone who looks like a traditional/typical woman or man. And it’s not offensive to trans people; it is appreciated and welcome and encouraged) with strong or slight physical feminine features.

But my attraction is to female beauty and this includes women who have masculine features but still look like women.

Not any specific size, weight, age, skin color, ethnicity, long hair, short hair, no hair…just women in all of the diversity. Some more than others. It’s not a shallow or objectification thing and not sexual or romantic. Purely aesthetic. Like looking at a beautiful sunset or landscape or a brilliant work of art but even more inspiring and joyful.

It’s not just asexual people(those who experience little to no sexual attraction – it’s a rare & valid sexual orientation) who experience aesthetic attraction; anyone of any sexual orientation can to anyone of any gender. I met a heterosexual/straight woman online, years ago, who, like me, also has a strong aesthetic attraction to women only. She is sexually and romantically attracted to men but she finds women more pleasing to look at and goes out of her way to look.

“An essence of beauty
Ooo, such lovely hair
She’s foxy, classy
Oh, sexy sassy
She’s heavenly
A treat for the eye to see” πŸ’œ

I did not always know that’s what it is but always have known I am intensely drawn to the physical/aesthetic beauty of women and that it is not sexual/romantic. Then I learned about aesthetic attraction, which often comes with sexual attraction but the two can be separated and one can be without the other. Aesthetic attraction is loving how someone or something looks. It can be to an individual person or thing or to the kind in general. In my case, it’s women in general but stronger for some than others.

Some women are so beautiful to me, it’s like a feeling of intoxication, like when I see beautiful flowers blooming all over in the Spring under a blue, blue sky, but even more so when I see a woman.

Sometimes it’s even enough to pull me right out of a low mood, even lifting layers of a depressive episode, even pulling me out of a suicidal state if I’m in one. Not always but it does happen.

I remember many years ago, on college campus, I was depressed and suicidal and walked to Starbucks and got into the line when in front of me, I noticed an incredibly beautiful woman with long hair; she turned around and her beauty took my breath away and also literally pulled me out of my suicidal state and lifted layers of my depression. I was still depressed but less and no longer suicidal.

Like I said, this does not always happen; I can see a woman just as beautiful and it doesn’t pull me out of it or I maybe could have seen the same woman a different depressed day and not have been pulled out of it. But something about the physical beauty of a woman has a profound effect on my brain and mood and the potential to lift me to extreme elevated states no matter what my mood is already.

Even looking at myself in a mirror! lol Another day, I was depressed and suicidal, one of the worst I have ever been, and happened to look up and see my reflection in a store window, my depression was not lifted but my suicidal state was and I was able to cope better with the severe depression. I wasn’t suicidal anymore. And it wasn’t just like I liked how I look and decided I want to live, it was whatever physical effect the female physique/form/beauty has on my brain. There is probably a scientific explanation or something about how pleasing visual things can affect our mood/mental state and since women are very, very aesthetically pleasing to me, seeing us, impacts my brain like that.

There have been other days I was depressed and suicidal and looked at myself in a mirror or in pictures and it lifted my depressed and/or suicidal state. But not alway; some occasions I have looked at myself and it doesn’t lift my mood. And it’s not a discriminate thing when I see myself and it lifts a depressed mood. It’s not because it’s me and I like how I look. It’s the fact that I’m looking at a woman who I see as physically beautiful. It could just as well be a stranger. It does happen when I look at strangers, both in person and in pictures.

And if I’m not depressed at all and very happy, looking at a woman still lifts me, and the impact can last for days. One day, I was already very happy (I usually am happy) and I saw a stunning young woman with very long, brown hair and a belly shirt, smiling, holding hands with a man; I hardly noticed him but her beauty lifted me in this amazing way like seeing the beautiful sun rising over the city skyline or seeing flowers blossoming everywhere in the beginning of Spring but even more powerful. This feeling lasted a week just seeing her that briefly. It doesn’t always last that long but sometimes does, long after the woman is out of view, even days later. Some other “things” can do this for me too, like flowers for example. But not to the same depth. I put “things” in quotations because women are not things; flowers are. The word “other” implies that women are things and I wasnt sure how else to put it. Buildings also. But nothing like a pretty girl.

Recently, there were people arguing, blowing things up, yelling, some military looking police I have never seen before recently, with large guns drawn in the middle of Philadelphia, felt like being in the middle of a warzone, like somethig right out of a history book or war movie, negative things in the media and just a general feeling of heaviness and hopelessness then I noticed a beautiful young woman with long, wavy orange hair walking up the street, in a white, flowery sundress, holding hands with a man, and she had the biggest, brightest smile and sparkling eyes. A light in all this darkness. Again, I did not notice him. Her beauty overshadowed everything else. All of a sudden, the heaviness and hopeless feeling in the air was gone and everything in the world was momentarily right. Her physical beauty along with the joy and happiness radiating, filled me with joy and inspiration. I can tell she is beautiful on the inside too, positive energy surrounding her.

Later, the heavy feeling returned and I had this almost unbearable migraine-like headache then I remembered her and smiled.

It reminds me to smile even more and keep my energy positive. We never know who is looking and being affected for better or worse!

Also, the aesthetic attraction is stronger when they have clothes on. lol I see pics people share of some women with no clothes on and don’t mind at all but I noticed I prefer them with clothes. I also prefer them in non-sexual situations/positions. I have nothing against the pics where they are expressing their sexuality in explicit ways but I love the ones where they aren’t, more. When I was a kid, I did used to sneak playboy magazines in my dad’s workplace that the men had in there, to see all the lovely girls in swimsuits and things, but they were clothed to some degree and standing alone. Before the internet became more advanced/popular, I used to spend hundreds of dollars on magazines just to see the pretty girls plastered all over the pages. I hardly even read them, just looked. The inspiration it would fill me with is indescribable. Not inspiration to do anything, just a general feeling of inspiration throughout my being.

Like walking through a museum of beautiful sculptures but more joyous.

I would also take hundreds of pictures of myself(still do! lol) just to look at them and feel that inspiration and intoxication and joy. Sometimes it brightens my day just to look at a picture of myself.

Now I follow thousands of fashion and makeup instagram accounts to look at all those beauties. My newsfeed is full of beautiful women.

Again, it’s not objectification. I know a woman is much more than just looks and also inner beauty is more important! But that doesn’t lessen my joy and inspiration, looking at us!

And the aesthetic attraction isn’t just to real women but can be something that looks like a woman. Like a mannequin. It gives me that same intoxicated/joyous/inspired feeling as a real woman if it’s beautiful and realistic enough. Some mannequins are just scary. lol One day, again, I was depressed(I’m not always depressed! lol I have episodes and waves here and there) and saw a mannequin that has the realistic body of a woman (I don’t think it even had a head) and was in a store window wearing pretty clothes and stilletos and it just lifted me. I was about on the verge of becoming suicidal and the mannequin stopped it right in its tracks. Thanks!

This is not the mannequin I saw but another sexy one! And this is not my photo; it’s a screencap. ❀ It’s the first “plus-sized” mannequin for this company, NIKE, I think.

Anyway, so there we have it! A fun (and creepy) fact about me!

Aesthetic attraction is not a choice but even if I could choose it, I would! I’m thankful I turned out to have this kind of attraction to women because women are such lovely creatures! And thankful to have the aesthetic attraction without the romantic and sexual attraction because that would probably be distracting and I like experiencing the pure, raw joy of the aesthetic pleasure without the distraction and dilution of the sexual/romantic. Also, aesthetic attraction has a “no strings attached” kind of way about it. I just want to look, not touch or be touched, or want anything in return or want a mutual feeling. I don’t even necesssarily want to be noticed back. I am fulfilled and content just seeing a beautiful woman walk by me on the street then never again. Just that can lift me for a week! Maybe more!

Not always but usually people who experience sexual and romantic attraction want it back in return and like want to touch and stuff. lol! No thanks; I’m good with just looking. What a blessing to have this gift. I don’t mind seeing men or people who do not have feminine physical features, of course! I am just not aesthetically attracted to them.

There are some men I find to be exceptionally good looking but still do not bring me the aesthetic pleasure anywhere near to the same extent a woman can. And it doesn’t happen very often. I have the aesthetic attraction to women in general everyday; for men, it’s seldom individual cases and to a much lesser degree.

Whenever I do find men to be aesthetically pleasing, they are usually African American or “big”/have extra weight. Not always though. For women, there is no skin color/ethnicity/size that usually stands out as most pleasing to me. It’s equal all the way around.

In that comedy movie “John Tucker Must Die,” (lol) the one boy is like girl crazy and likes a new girl at school and his brother told him that he doesn’t think she is his brother’s type and the brother responded something like “GIRL is my type.” lol

Sounds about right!

And I admit, I am not completely educated on the appropriate/respectful way to talk/write about things relating to trans people. I for sure know about using the appropriate pronouns!! But if I write/say something that comes off as disrespectful/inappropriate, it’s only because I am not yet educated. I’m working on it. I am 100% in support of ALL trans people!!

So please correct me if anything here or any post can be worded better. To not, respectfully, call us out on it does a disservice to us all. We are trying to have an all inclusive, understanding society, who celebrates and promotes diversity and is respectful of all, and it starts with educating each other and our own self.

Some people are just careless and some are actually trying to be total assholes but I am not!!

I hope you are having a beautiful day or night wherever in the world you are! And hope you are surrounded in beauty in any of its forms. ❀

xoxo Kim πŸ’š

Brag post 🐾😻 About me lol

My boss wrote this about me! Please excuse the pic of me; I look like πŸ’© and my shoes are all muddy because of the rain and I can’t get it out. I had no idea my boss took this picture. I logged onto our account and saw it lol! Much to my surprise(and dismay at my appearance!) but our furball is cute & happy; look at him cheesin’! lol Have you ever seen such a happy face?! 😁 That’s all that matters! He is my bestfuriend(one of many bestfuriends 🐾). We see each other every morning & evening and I love him to pieces. He is such a sweet boy. He loves humans and other animals. Though, we do not let our furbabies near other dogs while out & about. It’s our policy no matter how friendly they are. 🐾❀🐾❀ Safety first.

I love my job!! I’m honored to have a job taking care of people’s furbabies who they love like their kids and trust me with their little lives. If I had to, I would give my own life to save any of theirs. I love being out seven days a week, morning til night, often with a dog by my side or just all by myself. The scenery is beautiful. The city is beautiful. The people are beautiful. The nonhumans are beautiful. Everything is beautiful.

Thank You for this job and experience! ❀ It really has been my greatest honor in this life. I would do this without getting paid!!

Much love & light to you; I hope you are having a beautiful day or night wherever in the world you are! ~Hugs to all~

xoxo Kim ❀

National Doctors’ Dayβ€πŸ’š

Happy National Doctors’ Day to all the Earth angels all around the globe!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Thank you for the health, hope, and healing. For the possibility and potential. Not an easy job to have and I’m thankful there are people who have what it takes! I have always been in awe of medicine and doctors and the things that can be done to help and save lives. I trust & love you! I’m wishing you all the love, health, safety, and strength today and everyday! Hugs & love, xoxo❀


There’s beauty up aboveπŸ’œ

(Today, March 27th, 2020 – Friday afternoon)

Today, I had a break for work and was sitting in a park before going back. The park was completely empty of people except for a man I see frequently, doing exercises in the same spot in the park. He seems very cheerful and just naturally happy. He talks loudly with a chipper tone. And he speaks about lighthearted topics like fun movies. I love it! I never talked to him but love seeing & hearing him. I’m very extroverted even though I’m also very shy so being around people satisfies my extroverted way even when I am not talking to anyone.

Today, he was talking on a phone in his usual cheery tone about some film he is interested in. I found it so uplifting. I wasn’t depressed or in a bad mood or anything but still felt it had a positive impact on lifting my mood even more. The park was full of sparrows and birdsong, trees, flowers, sunlight. After a while, I decided to put my earphones in and listen to a song. Suddenly, sung by Billy Ocean. I loved the feeling it brought out in me, this sudden elevated, amazing feeling of Oneness with the park, the trees, the flowers, the sparrows, the insects, the man doing exercises…even the buildings around.

“There’s beauty up above and things we never take notice of”

I looked up at the blue, blue sky full of fluffy white clouds, the bare tree branches still clinging to Winter, the tree branches now blooming with color and flowers, the birds flying around, I saw tops of buildings…Billy Ocean is right! There is so much beauty up above, even in the most mundane things on the most ordinary, uneventful day. Things we never take notice of. I actually do take notice of the beauty all around, very frequently but not as much as I can and sometimes I purposely shut it out if I’m depressed. And many of us overlook the simple beauty everyday. Why? Who knows! We’re so used to it, we forget the wonder of it or we’re so busy or wrapped up in “bigger” things, things that stand out more than a rooftop glistening in afternoon raindrops, more than a sparrow singing on a treebranch, more than flower petals falling to the ground, the feel of the gentle breeze on our skin, the scent of the flowers, the taste of even just water…but if we just stop for a few seconds and notice all the love around us, let it fill us with awe, even if for just a few seconds, life is complete.

“You wake up, suddenly, you’re in love.”

I was in love. And still am. In love with all that is. Those sparrows scurrying about through the grass and the trees, the flowers blooming in Spring, the man doing the exercises, speaking loudly of things that may seem trivial but are really the things that make up our every day and make it more interesting. So many people think that heavy things like politics and current events are all that should be on our minds day in & day out. But I disagree. Let’s talk about the movies, the dogs in the park, our favorite song, the cafe we want to visit next…

Earlier, I felt the same way when I was out walking and I saw a sparrow fly into a tree and sit on one of the branches, covered in pink cherry blossoms. The sense of Oneness it inspired in me! And then I looked up and saw an American flag gently blowing in the wind. Then I looked ahead and saw all the cars going by and parked along the streets and I was even more reminded of the Oneness the whole world is. Not just humans or even just living things. I felt at One with the flag and the traffic and the parked cars. Just like me, they were just here existing, doing their thing.

How beautiful!

Another song I listened to in the park is, Foolish Heart, sung by Steve Perry. I have a thing for this song. It brings me beautiful images in my head and these pleasant vibes even though it’s kind of a sad song. It is beautiful that he loves even when the love is not returned to him. It’s a romantic love song but I can relate in a platonic way.

“Foolish heart, hear me calling…stop before you start falling…”❀

I hope you’ll be reminded to look around and cherish all that is. Even if we cannot see, like are physically blind, we can feel the air, experience the fragrances all around, hear the birds chirping and crickets churring…or if we cannot hear, we can still sense in other ways. Let us use whatever senses and abilities we have and bask in all this beauty right here, right now!

Much love & light, wherever in the world you are!

xoxo Kim ❀

Love is in the airπŸŒΈπŸ’—πŸŒ±

Love is in the air❀

Love is in the air, everywhere I look around
Love is in the air, every sight and every sound
And I don’t know if I’m being foolish
Don’t know if I’m being wise
But it’s something that I must believe in❀

I’m just absolutely loving this end of Winter Spring!!! I can’t get enough. The beauty is overwhelming; I don’t know what to do with it all! Everything began to blossom so early this year, in February! That is not a common occurence here in Philadelphia! I’m just walking around the streets of Philadelphia each day & night taking in all the beauty, soaking it all up before it fades into the scorching days of Summer. And the weather is lovely! So warm and sunny but a bit cool and breezy, a gentle wind, carrying the fragrances of Spring. I haven’t yet detected that floral scent that comes every Spring. It may be a bit too early for that. But there is an Earthy, grassy scent beginning to arise. I even found a couple of worms one day, recently, walking some of my work babies! My job allows me to be outdoors all day, which I love! I walk a lot outside even when I don’t have to for work. Walking, to me, is just about as important as breathing! It’s my love, my passion.

What a Wonderful WorldπŸ’š

“I see trees of green, red roses too I see them bloom for me and you And I think to myself what a wonderful world”πŸŒ±πŸ’š

Love is in the air, in the whisper of the tree
Love is in the air, in the thunder of the sea
And I don’t know if I’m just dreaming
Don’t know if I feel safe
But it’s something that I must believe in❀

I love all the kreepy krawlies each Spring & Summer!

I am making sure to capture all the beauty in sweet images while still living in the moment, just breathing it in. What a gift Spring is! And so fleeting! Soon, everything that blooms gets old and disappears and the cool breeze quickly turns to heatwaves. But for now, the city is a lovely floral disarray of beauty! Flower petals all over the ground, green grass and weeds all over; I couldn’t ask for more. Just lovely. Almost too good to be true but it is true!

I am deeply inspired. Overwhelmed in joy that springs forth and consumes all of me. Completely enraptured.

“I see skies of blue and clouds of white The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night And I think to myself what a wonderful world”

Like living in an endless love song.

Lovin’ You❀

Stay with me while we grow old
And we will live each day in springtime
‘Cause lovin’ you has made my life so beautifulπŸ’š

Yesterday, the park I walk by a lot was full of people, kids playing, dogs running about, people on benches eating ice cream, pushing baby strollers, doing exercises on the grass, taking pictures, drinking iced coffee…it was like a little sliver of Heaven right here on Earth. I walked through the park to look at all the trees and flowers in bloom. I stood under the flowery trees, looking up, and just breathing deeply. I couldnt stop smiling. The peace and calm that washes over me. Indescribable.

“In the stillness of the quiet, if we listen, we can hear the whisper of the heart giving strength to weakness, courage to fear, hope to despair.” πŸ’š

“Under a cherry tree, there are no strangers.”πŸ’—πŸŒΈβ€

“Gratitude is not a mere word; it is not a mere concept. It is the living breath of your real existence on earth.” ❀

I loved hearing all the laughter, seeing all the smiles, dogs barking, kids happily screaming…what a wonderful world! Just live in the moment with no future and no past. Just now. Standing before incredible beauty and it’s like touching Nirvana, Love Supreme, Enlightenment, Jannah, Heaven, even if just for a few moments.

“There is only now. And look! How rich we are in it.” πŸ’—πŸŒΈπŸŒ±

“The magic of the present moment that is warily stored in the granary of our memory may pop up at any time and usher us along the winding paths of our life, and light up the dead points in the dim curves of our journey.” πŸŒΈπŸŒ±πŸ’—

“What a strange thing! To be alive beneath cherry blossoms.”πŸ’—πŸŒΈ

There is lots of horror in this world but also so much good. And it’s so great to be thankful for the good and be mindful of all the gems of hope, love, beauty…scattered about each day. I am celebrating, rejoicing. 🌱

Life is beautiful.πŸ’—

“Don’t look for peace. Don’t look for any other state than the one you are in now; otherwise, you will set up inner conflict and unconscious resistance. Forgive yourself for not being at peace. The moment you completely accept your non-peace, your non-peace becomes transmuted into peace. Anything you accept fully will get you there, will take you into peace. This is the miracle of surrender.”πŸ’š

The beauty of Spring shifts something within me, moves something, shakes something, and my whole being is filled with awe and gratitude. Like vibrations of love flowing through me.

“I see friends shaking hands saying ‘how do you do’ They’re really saying ‘I love you'”πŸ’™

How beautiful! So many ways to say I love you.❀

Much love & light to you and big hugs to anyone who wants/needs a loving hug, since we probably don’t see each other in person, it will have to be virtual for now! But the love is still the same! ❀

xoxo Kim