Archive | August 2015

30 Days of Photos – Day 20 {Jenny, Jenny, I got your number} <3


“You don’t know me but you make me so happy…” ❤

Isn't it amazing how someone who doesn't even know we exist, maybe doesn't care or give any thought to us, can still just put a big smile on our face?


Smile! You never know who you are inspiring, whose heart you are capturing even if you don't know it!

It can be quite painful but it’s ok to not be loved back, all that matters is that we keep loving and wishing everyone the best. ❤

Day 20 of the 30 Days photo challenge, was August 20th for me and that day I took a picture of a page in my daily quotes book.


It has numbers on it, which is the topic of the day, and also some words of wisdom about laughter. I truly believe that laughter IS the best medicine.

Laughing & smiling can lighten a heavy heart no matter what is going on. 😀

Also, I took this picture a couple days before Day 20 and I think it’s a good one.


And here is the lovely song!

8675309 – mobile

8675309 – desktop

One day, not so long ago, my dad was blasting this song and singing it to my mom and she was appalled because it seems to be about a promiscuous girl. And her name isn’t Jenny. lol

Like I often say, whatever floats your boat! As long as we are not hurting and directly interferring with others, we should be able to do as we please.

oh, yes, and I heard, many years ago, that this was the girl’s real phone number and she had to get it changed. lmao


❤ ❤ Much0 love to you tonight and always! ❤

xoxo Kim

30 Days of Photos – Day 19 {places} <3


“There are places I remember
All my life, though some have changed
Some forever, not for better
And some have gone, and some remain
All these places have their moments
With lovers and friends I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life I love them all”

Day 19 for the 30 Days photo challenge, which for me was August 19, our goal is to get a picture of places.

Here are my pics!




This is me outside of a movie theatre going to see the movie “Dark Places.”

And here is me yesterday at work:


One of my favorite songs is Bette Midler’s version of In My Life .

In My Life – mobile

In My Life – desktop

Much love to you,<3

xoxo Kim 😀

30 Days of Photos – Day 18 {animals}


It may be hard to see but there’s a seagull in this picture!

Day 18 for the 30 Days photo challenge which for me was August 18th, we are to capture a photo of animals.

Here are my dogs!


This is Woody. He’s a chihuahua mix. He just turned one year old last month!

And here is his mommy, Boobie, who will be thirteen years old next month!


I have six dogs! These are just two.

“Whoever said diamonds are a girl’s best friend never had a dog.”

I hope you are having a great day/night! ❤

xoxo Kim

It’s beginning to look a lot like….Fall?!


“By all these lovely tokens September days are here, With summer’s best of weather And autumn’s best of cheer.” ~
Helen Hunt Jackson

As much as I LOVE Fall and am absolutely thrilled that it is almost here…sort of, I feel a tinge of sadness whenever I hear someone talk about the “end of summer.” Part of me even wants to yell it’s not the end! It’s still only August! We have the rest of August and the whole month of September almost!

I have been cherishing every bit of Summer. The warm and cool breezes, the bright green leaves and flying insects all around, the Summer nights with the bright moon and crickets chirping and the vibrant green light of the fireflies, the fragrances of green and wet Earth, the golden sun, the flowers…all of it. Well, all of it except for the disgusting heatwaves. I will never love 100 degrees weather and heatwave after heatwave. 

But my heart dances with joy when I think about how soon pumpkin coffee will be here(i think it already is here in some places but eww, it’s August, it’s not pumpkin season yet! Pumpkin coffee is made for cool nights with crunchy leaves floating around under an Autumn sky, not for hot, humid, sticky Summer nights!)!! 
And pumpkin smoothies and donuts and crispy colored leaves all over the ground! And cool nights and hoodies and the Eastern State Penitentiary haunted prison attraction! Who is not thrilled for all that?!

It’s absolutely amazing how just the thought of a certain season or weather can have me in a state of like pure ecstasy.  Something as simple as that. Like I just won a billion dollar lottery or got an amazing new job or am falling in love. I AM in love but at this moment it’s not romantic love for a person but love for life itself.

I love when I can feel this way.

And it’s not only when it’s my favorite seasons. I can feel it any part of the year, just out of the blue. It’s not a regular/general kind of happiness like I usually experience. It’s like a thrill that is usually reserved for when something out of the ordinary happens but I feel it out of the blue even when nothing unusual happens. It’s not a quiet serenity or calm bliss. It’s more of an ecstatic joy. And I love it! 

“Remember to be gentle with yourself and others. We are all children of chance and none can say why some fields will blossom while others lay brown beneath the August sun.” ~
Kent Nerburn

So here are some of the sweet signs of Autumn I have encountered:

These may not really be Fall leaves but they sure are crisp and colorful! And quite lovely. 


Today?! It’s only August but I guess it’s never too early to start preparing for flubug prevention! So influenza season is right around the corner, which means that pumpkin patches, haunted attractions, Halloween, hayrides, and other lovely Fall gems are too, so at least there’s a bright side! 😀



But let’s not forget it’s still Summer and have fun basking in all of the end of Summer treasures like this little thing here:


What in the world is this beautiful creature? He hisses real loud and flies in people’s faces scaring the piss out of them. He is BIG! Like gargantuan. Like bigger than a large butterfly.
Bigger than he looks in the pictures. 
 He has been hanging outside my work for a few nights and one night he came up to a man and grabbed his dollar and the man pulled it back and the thing hissed and flew away. Lol It was hilarious! He is really cute and I hope he lives a long, happy life wherever he goes. I kept trying to get him to put him in a safe place but then decided that he would just fly wherever he wants anyway and I don’t want to provoke a heart attack in him by scaring him silly when I’m trying to pick him up. 

He flew into the window with a loud thwack and I thought someone threw something at me until I saw him. 


I love him. ❤


Good day or night to you!

Xoxo Kim ❤

30 Days of Photos – Day 17 – {fake people}


Lol! Yep! Mannequins!

They’re the only fake people I know of! 

Monday, August 17th, day 17 of the 30 Days Photo Challenge, for me, is the day for getting pictures of mannequins!

I walked to the store “USA Blues” and got a few pics of the mannequins in the window. It was hard with the glare and reflections on the windows. I tried different angles and things and most showed up horribly. But I got a couple that are better than the rest!

It took some courage because it was kind of embarrassing taking pictures through a store window and taking pics of their mannequins. I was by myself so it was even more awkward. I was hoping no one would see me! Lol But I got up the courage! It pushed me out of my comfort zone and I am reminded that it’s a good thing to try to do things once in a while that are scary, awkward, embarrassing, uncomfortable, things we’re just not used to. 

Suck it up and go for it! 


When you see it, you will shit bricks.


A girl one with no head.

And here are a couple pictures I got the next day:


Just heads.


Mannequin bums! Sexy, right?

Ever heard of RealDolls (this is an adult website so if you are extremely young or just don’t like that sort of stuff, it’s probably in your best interest not to click it. There’s lots of dolls in the nude! Lol)? I learned about them in my human sexuality class in college many moons ago. They are dolls, the size of a real human and have all the sexual parts of a real one. And their mouth is human-like. They also look very real. They come in male and female and can move any way a person can but not by themselves. You would have to move it yourself. They are used for romantic and sexual purposes. Some people like to just cuddle with them while others like to do a whole lot more! Lol

The girl ones are very pretty!  

Some people think it’s freaky that people purchase these but whatever floats your boat! No judgment here! Lol 😀 

Fun fact: The phobia of mannequins and other inanimate objects intended to represent sentient beings is called,
Automatonophobia (how it’s pronounced? I couldn’t tell you…).

It’s theorized that mannequins give many people the creeps because, socially, we expect each other to act and be a certain way and when someone seems “different” or not what is considered to be normal, we may not understand it and we often fear what we don’t understand. And mannequins resemble people but do not act like people or how we expect persons to act
. So they frighten people or just provoke a bit of anxiety for some. Also, they may remind some people of a corpse, which can be scary.

They are kind of creepy but I’m not freaked out by them or anything. They’re just plastic and wax and whatever other kind of material. I always loved ventriloquist dummies when I was little and even had one! I used to creep people out with him! Lol 

There are museums of dummies and wax figures and things! I would love to go visit! I don’t know of any in Philadelphia.
If you are in Philadelphia and are afficted with automatonophobia, that’s probably a good thing, as those museums are probably your worst nightmare. :-O

I hope your day/night is going great!


Much love to you! ❤

xoxo Kim

Warrior of the Light


“A Warrior of the Light is never predictable.

He might dance down the street on his way to work, gaze into the eyes of a complete stranger and speak of love at first sight, or defend an apparently absurd idea. Warriors of the Light allow themselves days like these.

He is not afraid to weep over ancient sorrows or feel joy at new discoveries. When he feels that the moment has arrived, he drops everything and goes off on some long-dreamed-of adventure. When he realizes that he can do no more, he abandons the fight, but never blames himself for having committed a few unexpected acts of folly. 

A Warrior does not spend his days trying to play the role that others have chosen for him.” 


This is a page out of a book I’m reading by Paulo Coelho, called “Warrior of the Light.”


It’s a book of wisdom about embracing life for all that it is. ❤

I love this message I found on page 11! It's beautiful and grounded in so much wisdom and love for life. ❤

It is my hope that it will inspire someone else like it inspires me. 😀

I'm wishing you much love & light. ❤

Xoxo Kim 

Head in the clouds {cloudy update} <3


In my last post I wrote about how there were no clouds today. But now there are! Just a few but I’m sharing the photos of the ones I captured and some quotes!


“Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.” ~  Rabindranath Tagore

“Forests, lakes, and rivers, clouds and winds, stars and flowers, stupendous glaciers and crystal snowflakes – every form of animate or inanimate existence, leaves its impress upon the soul of man.” ~
Orison Swett Marden

“People ask me when I’ll get my head out of the clouds, I tell them never, I like this view.”

Much0 love to you!

❤ 😀

~ Kim

30 Days of Photos – Day 16 – {Beauty Up Above} <3


“There’s beauty up above and things we never take notice of
You wake up and suddenly you’re in love.” ~ Billy Ocean ❤

Our goal for Day 16 of the 30 days challenge is to get a picture of clouds! One of my favorite things to get pictures of. Everyday for the last few days, maybe even a week, there have been beautiful clouds in a beautiful bright blue sky and even on the rainy gray day, there were some pretty pearly clouds!

But today there’s not one cloud in the sky which is very unfortunate since today is the day for clouds (for me, you can start the photo challenge any day you want). I’m annoyed. 

So here are my clouds for the day:


On Tuesday, August 11th, there were some stunning clouds. Unusual ones. Rainy ones. Delicate pearl white with like silvery outlines. 
I don’t see ones like those ones much. I don’t know exactly how to explain in words what they were like but they weren’t bright white and not really gray. But they were bright and white just in a different way. They were kind of like translucent maybe.

And in some parts of the sky there was like a hint of pink and orange trimming the clouds. 

Then later the clouds were more dramatic with a beautiful setting sun. I remember the date because I had a splitting headache that day, worse than usual and it really stood out(one of the benefits of having terrible headaches – things stand out in ways they usually don’t to someone without excruciating, agonizing headaches). But August 11th, for me, wasn’t the day for clouds but for landscape, seascape, or urbanscape photos. Too bad. 

I got some pretty cloud pics that day though! 

Here they are:





And here is one later in the day:


They were prettier in person. But these pics will have to do since I can’t bring back the actual clouds that day and even if I could, I wouldn’t be able to share them through the Internet, physically (yet – but who knows what technology is currently being conjured up?!). 


This picture turned out not how I intended because I was in my dad’s car and was trying to get a picture of a building (this is August 12th, the day for me to get pics of buildings), and he started to drive away. So my picture got messed up. But I LOVE how the reflection of the blue sky and clouds can be seen in the car windows. 

I love reflections and shadows! Both of which are the subjects for two days in the 30 days challenge!  😀

This is my very favorite kind of sky! In the photo above with the reflection. Bright blue with fluffy white clouds.

Tomorrow is the day for mannequins! This shall be interesting! I’ll have to go traveling to find a creepy mannequin! Those things really are kind of on the creep side. And they’re often missing heads!  

So I’ll be seeing what I can find! 

Good day to you! Or night! 

I hope it’s a good one!! ❤ 😀

Suddenly – Billy Ocean – mobile

Suddenly – Billy Ocean – desktop

xoxo Kim ❤

30 Days of Photos – Day 15 – {Where You Lead} <3


“Loving you the way I do 
I know we’re gonna make it through 
And I will go 
to the ends of the earth, 
’cause darling, to me that’s what you’re worth 
Where You Lead 
I will follow 
Anywhere that you tell me to 
If you need-(If)you need me to be with you 
I will follow 
Where you lead”
~Carole King/Louise Goffin   

Day 15 is intended to be a day for leading lines. It’s one of my favorite topics. But another one I don’t quite have down yet and have much to learn! It’s fascinating and an opportunity to get creative! But I got some sorry excuses for leading lines photos today! I intended to go out and get pictures but my mom, sister, and my dad went out and I stayed home and watched the dogs. They tear the house apart when we’re out so it’s good if someone stays home. And also I wasn’t sure if I would be back in time for work if I went with them. So, at work is where I decided to get the pictures since it would have been dark outside after work. I probably could have found things at home but just decided to get them at work! 😀

I am reminded of a couple lessons. Again, something is better than nothing/it’s the attempt that counts. And also I feel that my brain is being pushed to be creative even more than if I were outside since being in a store/work there is less obvious things to get pictures of! So I felt my brain working hard, looking at ordinary things in different ways even more than usual. Not that these pics are creative, they kind of suck(although I like the fan one!). But still, I’m reminded that all we have to do is look and open our minds and there’s bound to be something to take a picture of that is kind of ok even if it’s not brilliant. 

It’s not really about the subject of our pictures but how we look at things, our feeling of inspiration, and our passion.

So here are my pictures for August 15th:



I like this one too. The color & texture help to make it more interesting than just a stack of paper bags.





And here is a sweet song by Carole King. I love the mother-daughter version she sings with her daughter Louise.

Where You Lead mobile

Where You Lead desktop

I hope you are having a wonderful day/night!

It’s about to be 12:00am here in Philadelphia! Sweet dreams! ❤

xoxo Kim 😀