
Wth lol πŸ˜†

How on Earth does this happen? Lol I mindlessly tossed the keys on the steps, not even looking, and they stood up like this. This never happened before. I thought maybe there is something about the carpet that would make this likely, like it’s sticky or something, but it’s not. I intentionally tried to make this happen again, tried carefully standing them up just to see, and it wasn’t happening. I gave it a few tries and nothing. πŸ˜†

Just a random post because it’s funny lol

I hope you are having a beautiful day or night wherever in the world you are!

Xoxo Kim πŸ’‹

List of Happy on the last day of May! πŸŒΈβ€οΈ

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This is me in March 2020. I was super super happy (I’m happy in general when my depression isn’t flaring but sometimes I am in an especially joyful mood and was here 😁). You can see it all over my face! LoL

Anyway, here is my current list of Happy!

1.) My job! It’s very fulfilling and fun and joyful! I’m a pet nanny! 🐾😻🐢

2.) Iced green tea 🍡 matcha lattes! I love them and have been drinking them everyday. πŸ’š

3.) My body/health. It’s beautiful and energetic and holds me well. It allows me to do everything I want to do and recovers so quickly. I rarely get sick and when I get cut, my cuts heal super quickly. When I contracted the plague in 2020, I never even knew it because I never got sick! (I did thoroughly lose my taste/smell for two months, thought I had nerve damage) I only found out donating blood! The Red Cross told me I have the antibodies. I have a wicked immune system. I’m not thankful for not getting sick then (I was out in public walking around not knowing, though did not go near anyone and always had a mask on) but just goes to show how great my body is.

4.) My photography/glitch art hobby – It brings me joy and I’m good at it!

5.) My online friends! ❀️ Sometimes online friends are better than the in person ones(not that I currently have in person friends but hope to soon!).

6.) Movies! I love horror and comedies and especially love falling asleep watching horror ones!

7.) Acts of kindness πŸ’œ

8.) Philadelphia – My true love πŸ’™ I just love walking its streets all day & night. πŸŒ† πŸ™οΈ

9.) Oldies music! ❀️ The main music I listen to!

10.) My ability to experience compassion and sadness for others no matter how old it gets. I keep seeing people seeing they are too numbed by the violence all around us to care anymore. Sometimes that happens to me when I am severely depressed and especially when also extremely overworked along with it. Depression can burn out all our emotions when it’s extremely severe (it’s nothing at all to do with being a bad or uncaring person, can happen to anyone) but in general I can experience compassion and empathy and sadness and happiness for others.

11.) The birdsong on Spring & Summer nights. I can hear it now! πŸ’• Beautiful!

12.) That beautiful tender loving feeling when a depressive episode or wave is gradually lifting. I have always said that it’s almost worth it to be so sick because the feeling of it lifting is so beautiful and amazing. And I don’t use the word “amazing” loosely. ❀️

I hope you are having a beautiful day or night wherever in the world you are and remember to look for the good even in the darkness. πŸ–€

Xoxo Kim β€οΈπŸ’•

Spring 🌼🌻🌸

This is an Instagram post of mine I’m sharing here!

“Spring offers us an intimate experience of paradox. Colorful new growth emerges to inspire us, seeming to flourish only in conditions which we begrudge: pummeling rain, persistently cool temps, buffeting winds. Our longing for relentless sunshine and warmth would abbreviate the glory of spring to a mere few days, not the season of slowly unfurling beauty we love to savor.

Life is predictably unpredictable, yet assuredly filled with what we will welcome and what we will shun. And it is in this mix of conditions and great mystery that we are made wiser, whole, and who we are. It is in both the roadblocks and open road. The storms and the clear skies. The moments we suffer and survive, and the moments we sparkle.” (

This picture looks so Wintery. I’m walking around trying to get Springy pics and Spring them up even more, increasing the warmth and looking for filters that play up the summery/spring vibes but there are so so many bare trees around still and an unseasonably grey chill in the air each day. I took this picture today and it has strong Winter vibes. I was trying to think of how I can make it look more like Spring then came to the conclusion that it can’t be done; it is what it is and decided to roll with it and exaggerate the Winter vibes instead, deceasing the warmth and increasing the tint and going easy on the saturation so the blue stays a bit on the duller side instead of the bright blue of Spring/Summer. So here it is! Spring, just like life itself, is a beautiful mix of a little bit of everything, grey and color, hot, cold, beautiful, painful, snow, rain and shine…

It’s Spring where I am! I hope you are having a beautiful day wherever in the world you are! 🌸🌻🌼

Xoxo Kim

Belongingness ❀️

β€œWhen we feel alone, we belong to the grand communion of those who sometimes feel alone.” ❀️

We all always belong somewhere and are in a group with many others who have something in common with us even when it doesn’t feel that way. Whatever situation we are in, feeling we are experiencing, someone else is also. And we belong with them. I read this quote on, a website I have been subscribed to for a couple years. They encourage us to practice gratefulness all year long and to summon feelings of belongingness with others, with the whole uni-verse. They send inspiring quotes to our inbox each day and have online events to participate in and send newsletters and essays on positive topics, each month.

I definitely recommend signing up for the newsletter and checking out their beautiful website! It’s a gentle safe space for all and a reprieve when we are overwhelmed with the world, life, anything going on that is stressful.

Whenever we feel alone in our situation or life in general, let us remember, we belong with the rest of the people who feel that way. ❀️

I hope you are having a beautiful day or night wherever in the world you are!

Xoxo Kim

Happy Fall! πŸŽƒπŸ‘»πŸ‚πŸβ˜•πŸ–€

This is an old pic because I’m out of storage space now. I have to see how to upgrade and see when I can get the money for it. I have the free and limited version now. I will post something better soon. I love to post at least once each month. I used to post much more. It’s a bit off putting to not have room for updated pictures and not exactly sure what I have to do to get more storage space.

I have been in the Fall spirit and the air here in Philadelphia is getting cooler and crisp each day! Hopefully stays that way now! The Summer was excessively hot this year!

Anyway, I hope you are having a great day or night wherever in the world you are! πŸ‚πŸβ˜•πŸ‘»πŸŽƒπŸ–€

Xoxo Kim

Saturday Inspiration 🌞 πŸŒΈ

“An old farmer was once asked at a meeting of the Agricultural Congress to give his opinion on the best slope of land for the raising of a particular kind of fruit. ‘It does not make so much difference,’ said the old man, ‘about the slope of the land as the slope of the man.’ Many a farmer who has the right slope makes a good living and gets a competence on very poor soil, while the farmer who does not slope the right way barely exists upon the richest soil. Happiness does not depend so much upon our being favorably environed as upon the slope of our mind. It is not enough to extract happiness from ideal conditions; any one can do that. But it is the self-mastered, the self-poised soul who can get happiness out of the most inhospitable surroundings. ‘Paradise is here or nowhere. You must take your joy with you or you will never find it.’ The trouble with us is that we expect too much from the great happenings, the unusual things, and we overlook the common flowers on the path of life, from which we might abstract sweets, comforts, delights.”

Xoxo Kim πŸ’œ

Honoring the present moment πŸŒΈ

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This is a beautiful blog and blog post by husband & wife, Marc & Angel. I love their wisdom. I recommend this blog post to all! I think it’s a reminder most of us can use now and again. πŸ’—πŸŒΈπŸ₯€βš˜πŸŒ±πŸŒ·πŸŒΌπŸŒ»πŸŒΊ

“Admitting the Hard Truth, and Embracing It

Where you are and what you’re doing at any given moment is absolutely essential.

Because it is the only moment guaranteed to you.

You are not on your way somewhere else.

You are not progressing to a more important time or place.

The present is not just a stepping-stone: It is the ultimate destination, and you have already arrived.

This moment is where your greatest power lies.

This moment is your life!

It might seem obvious, but, again, I forget.Β  And I know you do too.

All day, every day, many of us feel like the present isn’t enoughβ€”like our life isn’t worthy of our full presence.”

“What if we admitted that life is slipping away right now, and saw the fleeting time we have as enough, without needing to share it on social media or capture it or alter it in any way?”

This is true. I have found a balance of both, treasuring the present moment while also capturing its beauty to share with others. I take in the beauty and if it’s still there after basking in the presence of it, I take a pic. When I’m standing under a cherry 🌸 blossom tree and there’s a butterfly or sparrow on one of its branches, I first allow myself to be in the moment and if it’s all still the same a few moments later and I can get a picture, that’s amazing, and if not, that’s great too! But experiencing it, fully, is more important than getting a picture and interrupting the full presence. Sometimes I look out a window and see a beautiful scene with traffic and people and I have an urge to run and get my phone for a picture to capture it exactly as it is thwn before it changes but I know if I turn to get my phone, it won’t be the same when I get back, so I just stand and accept the beauty as it is in that fleeting moment without a picture.

One Hard Thing You Must Admit Before Your Life Slips Away by Marc & Angel

I hope you are having a beautiful day or night wherever in the world you are! πŸ’—

Xoxo Kim

It’s beginning to look a lot like…❄❄❄ [Snowy day in Philadelphia!πŸ˜‚]

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas here in Philadelphia! Snow in October?! ❄ πŸŽƒ All these pictures were taken today! Lol

And it’s like 80 degrees here!

It’s fake! It’s a movie set. There’s a movie being filmed on the street I work! I had no clue what was going on, all this stuff that looks identical to actual snow all over the ground and falling out of the sky! ❄❄❄ Police officers and lots of other people. And the street is blocked off and security people wouldn’t let me on the street but I saw little kids, in back of the ropes blocking the street, playing in the snow and someone filming them and I was wondering why these kids are allowed to play in this stuff on a street that is blocked off but I’m not allowed on the street to go to work?!? To go to my job! But they get to play! And why does this stuff look exactly like snow?! Then I later realized the kids are actors doing their own job. 🀣 πŸ˜‚ I thought the camera person was their dad filming them playing. Lol It really just looked like a couple of kids playing and their dad filming them with an extra large camera(though he did seem a bit more professional about it 😁). I should have known something was up with so many people and large cameras and Christmas trees in October, then I realized they must be making a movie. Then found out for sure the next day when they rudely told me I was interfering with their filming. Well, I can say the same about them, you’re all interfering with my dogwalking. πŸ˜„ πŸ’©

A few years ago here in Philadelphia no one was hurt, thankfully, but there was an explosion and some soft stuff started falling seemingly out of the sky and onto the ground and I thought something like that happened again at first when I saw the fake snow falling and police. But just a movie being filmed here in the lovely City of Brotherly Love. πŸ”” It’s a Christmas scene being filmed. They are filming day & night. The street is all decorated and houses all decked out. There are Christmas πŸŽ„ lights wrapped around the trees. The poor people who live on that street have to have their houses decorated whether they want it or not! And fake snow all over and tracked into their houses. Oh, well. I wouldn’t mind. My baby here in these pictures was confused and checking out the snow. He’s only a baby so I don’t know if he ever saw snow before for real. Lol He’s a very big lab puppy.

I got to meet Adam Sandler! 🀩😍

Lol jk But he is in this movie! πŸŽ₯

And the snow is dry and warm. I felt it. Lol ❄ Feels nothing like real snow. It’s powdery.

Anyway, they had to let me on the street. It’s an interesting experience to be one of the very rare ones in the city allowed to walk onto a movie set. I got to see “Behind the scenes!” 😁Security people weren’t happy about it but I am. And I am thrilled to see some Holiday cheer in October! πŸ‚πŸπŸŽ…πŸ€Ά The actors and other workers were singing Christmas songs not as part of the movie, just for fun. Lol And they came to see my dog! πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸΎ