Tag Archive | quotes

Marilyn’s Diary 💜

(This is a pic I took of a picture of Marilyn Monroe and I edited my pic with glitch apps – Glitch photography is my favorite hobby!)

“Sex is a baffling thing when it doesn’t happen. I used to wake up in the morning, when I was married, and wonder if the whole world was crazy, whooping about sex all the time. It was like hearing all the time that stove polish was the greatest invention on Earth.
Then it dawned on me that people – other women – were different than me. They could feel things I couldn’t. And when I started reading books I ran into the words ‘frigid,’ ‘rejected,’ and ‘lesbian.’ I wondered if I was all three of those things.

A man who had kissed me once had said it was very possible I was a lesbian because I apparently had no response to males — meaning him. I didn’t contradict him because I didn’t know what I was. There were times even when I didn’t feel human and times when all I could think of was dying. There was also the sinister fact that a well-made woman had always thrilled me to look at.”

“Why I was a siren, I hadn’t the faintest idea. There were no thoughts of sex in my head. I didn’t want to be kissed, and I didn’t dream of being seduced by a duke or a movie star. The truth was that with all my lipstick and mascara and precarious curves, I was unsensual as a fossil. But I seemed to affect people quite otherwise.”

“I have noticed since that men usually leave married women alone, and are inclined to treat all wives with respect. This is no great credit to married women. Men are always ready to respect anything that bores them. The reason most wives, even pretty ones, wear such a dull look is because they’re respected so much.
Maybe it was my fault that the men in the factory tried to date me and buy me drinks. I didn’t feel like a married woman. I was completely faithful to my overseas husband, but that wasn’t because I loved him or even because I had moral ideas. My fidelity was due to my lack of interest in sex.”

I love, love, LOVE these quotes attributed to Marilyn Monroe! Said to be found in a journal of hers that no one knew about. There is some debate about whether she was a homosexual woman or maybe an asexual woman. (Asexual meaning a person who experiences little to no sexual attraction to anyone of any gender- It’s an orientation[an uncommon one] like heterosexuality or homosexuality, for example, and common for asexual people to have no sex drive and not like/want sexual activity, and there are also asexual people who do like/want sexual activity and have a sex drive, just not directed at anyone in particular – They are called sex favorable asexuals, aces who don’t care about sexual activity either way, can go happily forever without it but may accept an offer, are called sex indifferent, and aces who will not try sexual activity or try it and are repulsed and don’t want it ever are called sex repulsed asexuals – all of these are equally asexual and equally valid – It is a destructive misconception that asexuality means wanting no sex – it means experiencing sexual attraction much less frequently than the average person, some experience it not at all and not all but most aces grow up asexual. Very common for aces to not want sexual activity at all ever but also ones who love it or engage in it for other purposes- There are asexual sex workers and promiscuous asexual people and I support them all!).

An asexual person does not experience sexual attraction – they are not drawn to people sexually and do not desire to act upon attraction to others in a sexual way. Unlike celibacy, which is a choice to abstain from sexual activity, asexuality is an intrinsic part of who we are, just like other sexual orientations. Asexuality does not make our lives any worse or better; we just face a different set of needs and challenges than most sexual people do. There is considerable diversity among the asexual community in the needs and experiences often associated with sexuality including relationships, attraction, and arousal.Asexuality.org

Ironically Marilyn was viewed as a sex symbol, very sexy, and very sexual and believed to be very into men. (And there is nothing wrong with a woman being very sexual and into men and being promiscuous and expressing her sexuality! It’s a great way to be! I support all women and women freely expressing their sexuality how they please. 💜) But according to some of the things said to be written in her journal, she wasn’t into men at all. People assume that because a woman dresses and carries herself a certain way, it’s automatically for men or automatically sexual. But believe it or not, some women love and are sexually attracted to other women. And some don’t love anyone that way and/or are attracted to no one and are not sexual beings at all(some who are on the asexual spectrum and the aromantic spectrum[little to no romantic attraction to anyone of any gender]).

And many women dress how we do for our own selves! I know, shocking, right?! Everything we do doesn’t revolve around men and/or sex. Sorry. Not sorry. But it’s twisted how society is so sex crazed and heterosexist/heteronormative and projects it onto us all. It’s a perversion. People sexualize little girls who wear leggins and short shirts/gymnastics clothing and that is repulsive. Little girls dress like that because they like it and the clothes are comfy and cute. Anyone who says otherwise is perverted and sexualizing them. And they do this to us at every age. Nothing wrong with an age appropriate woman dressing to express her sexuality but not all who dress a certain way are!

It’s hard to tell if her attraction to women was purely aesthetic or sexual. Aesthetic attraction is loving to look at someone because of how the person looks. Some people are homoaesthetic and love to check out people of their own gender but there is no desire to touch or have any kind of sexual contact with them. It’s like looking at a beautiful sunset or landscape or flowers….Often sexual attraction and aesthetic attraction go together but some developed the aesthetic attraction without the sexual aspect. Homosexual women, for example, are usually inherently homoaesthetic (love to look at/check out other women) but ace girls and straight girls can be too. And it’s possible for a homosexual woman to prefer looking at men than women. So heteroaesthetic. Or possibly bi/panaesthetic if they love looking at men and women and/or people of other genders. This is true for any genders. I’m using women as an example because I’m a woman myself. But men can love looking at other men whether or not they are sexually attracted to them. And homosexual men can love looking at women. Some even love boobs. Lol

To me this sounds more like she was asexual with no sex drive (not a disorder, just another way to be – usually no or low sex drive is the result of a dysfunction or illness or is a dysfunction but in the case of Asexual people, it’s not and is part of being asexual for that person, same with sex repulsion; if someone is sex repulsed that may be the result of trauma or a negative experience or unhealthy upbringing/religious views but when asexual people are sex repulsed, it’s usually just part of being asexual for that person; not all asexual people are sex repulsed though) but she very well could have been homosexual but since she grew up in a heterosexist/heteronormative society and believed she was supposed to like men, never even realized that there was another possibility for her – being attracted to women. So she mistook her lack of interest in men as a lack of interest in sexual activity itself or completely.

As little girls, we are constantly told we like boys or will grow up liking boys/men. By everyone, friends, parents, teachers, family members, the media, boys/men…even today, little girls are still expected to grow up and marry or “end up with” a man. We are automatically asked “Do you have a boyfriend/husband?” “Who/when was your first boyfriend/kiss/crush?” As if we necessarily must have had a kiss or want one or have had a crush(some people don’t have crushes or fall in love romantically and are called aromantic – some aros do rarely have crushes or fall in love and some never do) or as if women by default love men and love sexual activity with men. And are met with shock, surprise, confusion, sometimes outright denial or insults if we say never, or that we’re not into that, or are same-sex/gender oriented. Yes, even in 2020, some people cannot handle diversity, homosexuality, or anything other than cis heterosexuality. Many women who are not into men, sexually/romantically, force themselves into relationships/encounters with men just to appear or “be normal.” And some are confused and genuinely believe for a while that they must be hetero/straight since it’s programed into us since birth that we like boys/men. Some women don’t realize til much later that they never liked men that way. (Of course, some women who aren’t attracted to men engage in sexual activity with men because they genuinely want to for any reason and that is ok! No one says we have to be attracted to someone to engage in sexual activity with them. I’m referring to those who force it or are confused into it.)

Men send us “dick pics” without even knowing if we like men or male assigned sex organs, assuming we do or that if we don’t, they can “fix” us, straighten us out.

(This post isn’t about what some men do to women[and some women also do things to men that is wrong]; that’s just an example; this post is about a larger issue of what society does to people who are not heterosexual/straight/cis, particularly women since Marilyn is a woman and so am I)

It’s not unheard of for a homosexual or asexual woman to hear “I can turn you straight.” Cishet women are not invalidated this way. No one expects her to turn homo or ace the way they expect & or hope an ace woman or homosexual woman will turn straight. Heterosexuality is validated just by its existence and prevalence. Cishet girls and women don’t have to feel emotionally coerced into sexual activity and romantic relationships with other women and have their identities invalidated by society, friends, family, everyone. (Though, tragically, many, if not most, heterosexual women ARE emotionally [and even physically forced] coerced into sexual activity with men, often boyfriends/husbands/dates/romantic interests…and this is a serious problem that is also not ok and very destructive to the women it happens to – It’s just as bad as being assaulted by a stranger out on a street and it’s much more common and often “normalized,” which is absolutely wrong)

Society doesn’t give us the possibility of growing up liking girls or not liking anyone that way or just wanting to be single no matter who we are attracted to or not attracted to. When we’re perpetually single, we’re constantly nagged about why and having people incessantly trying to set us up on dates or for romantic relationships as if we aren’t worthy or whole on our own, as if we’re a pathetic existence to be pitied by everyone around us and society as a whole. We see/hear the jokes and ridicule towards people who aren’t “getting any,” are “still single,” and “need to get laid.”

Women often hear: “You need to get yourself a man/a good man.”

Any so called flaw we may display, we are met with “No wonder you’re still single,” as if single is inherently wrong or bad.

Homophobia is much less common now, thankfully! Society (at least U.S. society) is very accepting of homosexuality now; many are even appalled by homophobia. There are many cishet allies who speak out against homophobia. It is still around, for sure, but much less common.

But we still have a serious issue with heteronormativity or heterosexism, assuming that everyone is straight, straight by default, ignoring lgbt identities and couples….this is destructive to lgbt and asexual youth and adults.

How many of us have had a little friend who is a boy when we were little and have a teacher or neighbor say “aww you have a little boyfriend?” That may seem innocent enough but it’s not so innocent when we already know we aren’t into boys. How many women, no matter our orientation, have been close friends or casual acquaintances with a man, one hundred percent purely platonic and have people “suspicious” that we’re actually together or interested romantically/sexually in each other or people straight up tell us they “know” we’re “seeing” or screwing each other whether we say so or not? And flat out tell us we’re lying when we say he’s a friend. Or right away when we are with a man “Is that your boyfriend?” But when we’re with a girl, no one asks “Is that your girlfriend?”

Very invalidating to platonic friendships which are just as beautiful as romantic ones.

And very invalidating & destructive to women who aren’t even into men that way. There is a suffocating sense of exclusion, of being invisible for many of those who turn out not cishet or straight, adults and youth alike.

Women & girls are incessantly demanded in medical settings to get pregnancy tests without being questioned to see if it’s necessary and are not believed/are invalidated if we explain that it’s not. Cis Heterosexuality is inherently favored just to be “on the safe side.” Most women are cis heterosexual. There are also bisexual & pansexual women who are sexually attracted to men. And some homosexual & asexual women do engage in sexual activity with men for various reasons(which is completely ok if they freely choose it). So in medical settings it’s safest to force or demand a pregnancy test(& other tests that may not be very necessary for certain asexual women – the pap test and hpv or other sti test that is centered primarily around sexual contact – It’s like an obsession that ignores ace women who are & have always been & always will be celibate & have no gyn issues or symptoms of anything – trying to force an allo identity onto someone or some aspect of another identity that doesn’t apply). It’s invalidating and erases the identities of homosexual & asexual women (or any woman in a monogamous romantic/sexual relationship with another woman) who don’t engage in sexual activity with men, possibly never have, and have no intention to. If we tell them there is no way we can have an sti(in the case of a celibate asexual person) or be pregnant (in the case of an asexual or homosexual woman who does not engage in sexual activity with men), they sometimes have the nerve to tell us that there is no way we can be sure. As if there is no such thing as a virgin, a celibate person, or a lesbian, or other woman who hasn’t engaged in sexual activity with men recently or at all (bi or pan women in relationships with other women, for example).
It may be safest and necessary overall but that doesn’t take away the pain of being erased in favor of another identity. Just one of the challenges growing up as an identity that isn’t cishet. Some aspects are no one’s fault but that doesn’t erase the pain, the sense of exclusion, the loneliness sometimes accompanied by being different than the average person in a seemingly significant way.

Allosexuality/Heterosexuality is automatically forced upon us all. And for most people, this is not painful or invalidating or erasure. It’s not exclusion to them and not suffocating because they are heterosexual (or allosexual, which is anyone who is not asexual so this includes cishets and lgbt people – it means people who experience sexual attraction, which is almost everyone, 99 percent of people) and don’t give it a second thought.

It’s invalidating. And anxiety provoking. It “confirms” that we’re not “right.” It erases our identity and tries to force another one upon us. One that is unnatural to us, foreign, one that makes no sense.

And when we don’t fit this mold or “one size fits all,” we grow up confused, repressing, mortified, scared, maybe even suicidal.

Yes, heterosexism/heteronormativity can contribute to depression, anxiety, & suicidal tendencies in some of those who are not hetero/straight. It’s erasure, societal abuse, invalidation. And in the case of asexuality, it’s not exactly anyone’s fault as no one really knows asexual people exist. Asexual people do not even know asexual people exist and grow up utterly confused, mortified, many feeling broken. But I suspect even if most people did know, they would still ignore, exclude, and invalidate asexual people as they do homosexual people. Everyone knows homosexual women exist. Yet every woman gets asked “Do you have a boyfriend/husband?” Or gets sent a dick pic or is demanded to take a pregnancy test during medical checkups, or asked out by men without being asked if she even likes men that way. Or just gets any remarks made, questions asked that assumes she loves men or sex with men.

I think Marilyn was all of these things, anxious, depressed, suicidal…at different points.

But whatever her experience, it seems like Miss Marilyn was very misunderstood. I can strongly relate to her in some ways. One thing I love about Marilyn Monroe is how it seems like every one of us or so many can see some part of our own self in her, no matter our background or experiences. Some relate to her through experience with physical illness, some through psychiatric illness, some through shared experiences with sexuality, some through similar experiences with abuse or body image or self love…or any other thing. It’s like there’s something in her for all of us, something that speaks to us in a way that only the two of us can understand, something unique to us but completely understood by her, like she lovingly holds up a shattered mirror and there’s a jagged piece for each one of us, holding us in its knowing reflection.

If anyone reads this, thanks for reading!

I hope you are having a beautiful day or night wherever in the world you are! 😁

Xoxo Kim 💜

Fly Eagles Fly!!! 🏈💚🏈💚

In honor of our big win tonight I’m sharing a couple cute pics (n a couple of me lol) & some quotes!

Here is a little Eagles fan, Ellie! 😙😚

And here is a girl I’m spending the night with:

Her name is Brownie. They are both sweet pitbull mixes.

It’s like New Year here but even more festive; there’s people screaming hysterically with instruments and fireworks and tear gas and confetti and all kinds of stuff! There’s police cars as well. How thrilling!

“Beware of the underdog”

“Stand up for the underdog, the ‘loser.’ Sometimes having the strength to show loving support for unacknowledged others turns the tides of our own lives.” 💜

“We grew up learning to cheer on the underdog because we see ourselves in them.”❤

“Songwriting and poetry are so commonly birthed from underdogs because one can make even the ugliest situations admirable, or more beautiful than the beautiful situations – they are the most graceful media in which the lines of society are distorted.” 💚💜


I hope you are having a beautiful & safe (!!!)day or night wherever in the world you are!

Much love & light,

Xoxo Kim 💚

There’s a place…❤


“It takes all different kinds of people to run the world. We need everyone.”

I saw this quote (don’t remember where; it was on a photo) and find it so inspiring. 

“‘Cause there’s a place in the sun
Where there’s hope for ev’ryone
Where my poor restless heart’s gotta run
There’s a place in the sun
And before my life is done
Got to find me a place in the sun”

Place in the sun – Winjama (reggae version) – mobile

Place in the Sun – Winjama – desktop

There are so many kinds of people in this world and we need us all. 

My dad used to watch the tv show The Sopranos every night a few months ago until all the seasons ended.

There’s a few episodes where a woman who is an FBI agent in the show pretends to be just a girl shopping at a mall I think, to deceive the girlfriend of a member of the Mafia so she can get information the police need.

They have been watching this man and his girlfriend for a while and an FBI agent tricks the girlfriend and they become close “friends.”

The girlfriend tells the agent things about herself and life she never told anyone, not even her boyfriend, because she feels so close to her.

The FBI agent is sweet and warm and very personable. She pretends to be a great friend to this other girl. Then the FBI people decide to tell the girl the truth, that this new friend of hers is no friend at all but actually an agent of the FBI who has been watching her and her man. 

The FBI agent after confessing that’s what she is, all of a sudden is now assertive, no longer warm and sweet. She has a no nonsense way about her now. She’s all stiff and firm.

These are only fictional scenes in a tv show but real detectives and FBI agents for their job sometimes really have to pretend to be someone they aren’t and trick people, maybe even innocent people who get caught up in unpleasant stuff. 

I was imagining myself in the FBI character’s place and think I don’t have the heart to ever deceive an innocent person or even not so innocent person who trusts me into thinking we’re close friends and we’re really not. I wouldn’t have a job where I may have to do that. 

This girl is the lover of a member of the New Jersey Mafia but she’s just an innocent girl. She knows he’s a murderer and all and chooses to stay with him but she herself is just a regular person. She thought she had this new friend she was able to tell things to she felt she couldn’t tell anyone else, like the fact that she had an abortion years ago. 

Imagine finding out your closest friend is a fake? Maybe you don’t have to imagine. It’s a heartbreaking situation. 

When the FBI people approached her, not only was she terrified about the trouble they were in but she was heartbroken over the loss of “friendship” or what she thought was genuine friendship. I think this hurt her even more than the prospect of going to prison. 

I felt a range of emotions when I realized I can never be like that. I felt thankful that I don’t have it in me to be deceptive and trick an innocent person. I also felt a tinge of envy that I don’t have that kind of aggression or backbone, I guess you can say, like some do, to have a job like that, even though I don’t want that kind of job. And I also felt gratitude that there are people like that in this world, those who do have it in them to trick and deceive for work or other necessary situations. I am inspired.

I don’t want to have it in me to do that but I’m so thankful there are people who do. We need them. We need people who have the ability to be aggressive and deceive people because it’s sometimes necessary, like for certain jobs including police jobs.

Police, attorneys, doctors, and other people of certain professions are sometimes criticized for being cold, aggressive, detached, deceptive, immoral….but it’s actually a good thing that we have people who have a place in them where they can summon feelings of aggression, detachment, and other things that may seem unpleasant. 

We need people who can detach and not get worn out having to encounter so much suffering each day at work, like some doctors who have to work with dying people and dead individuals, detectives who have to investigate cases of homicide and other violence and horror….Imagine if they did not have the ability to detach or distance themselves to a certain degree. Many would probably experience burnout or breakdowns of some sort. This isn’t to say they aren’t compassionate or empathetic people ever, just that they have the ability to “turn it off” to a point when necessary. And it’s great to have people in the world who can temporarily put aside their general morals and conscience to do work that may call for it. Not everyone can do that. And for those who cannot, that’s good too.

It’s good if we have compassion and empathy and morals so strong and so constant that we can’t or won’t stop it. This world needs both, extreme empathy and strong sense of morality but also those with the ability to tune out of it in certain situations. 

We need people with extreme empathy for criminals, like forensic psychiatrists/psychologists. By empathy, I’m not referring to compassion here. I’m talking about the sharp ability to be able to “get into their heads” and truly understand them, why, how they do certain things, how/why they feel certain ways, the ways they reason. It doesn’t mean the professional person is justifying any of it or taking pleasure in it. It may seem creepy that someone can understand a murderous criminal mind so well and want to do that kind of work. But it’s so great we have people with that strength and desire. We need them. 

And for those who can’t even begin to understand the mind of a murderer and don’t want to ever understand, that’s great too! It’s great to be sane and good and “normal.”

In courtrooms we need people who have within them a place of aggression, maybe even callousness, people who can tear others to shreds for their jobs. Some jobs call for aggression, cold, clinical, ways. Warmth, softness, sap, sweet words and gestures are beautiful and needed in this world but not in every situation, not for every job, not with every person.  

I always thought if I were in a position to need a lawyer, like a defense attorney, I would prefer a woman because girls can be so vicious! Girls/women of all ages, even generally sweet, warm ones, just can have a kind of aggression or potential for aggression that men don’t have and a job as an attorney requires aggression. How wonderful it is to take that and use it for good or to be productive, helping out our system and helping people instead of using it to drag each other down.

Some jobs call for extreme compassion and not much aggression, like schoolteacher jobs and nurses or doctors or other caretakers, nursing home staff…. and it’s great to have people who are generally very nurturing and mild mannered. 

There are people who are very simple or generally lazy, not very motivated, or just don’t want to work much or not work at challenging jobs so have easy jobs (not everyone with an easy or no job is lazy or lacks motivation) and we need those people. We need professional people with big demanding careers and we need those with cashier jobs and janitorial jobs and desk (jobs which some see as “low” or frivolous)…..

I work at a store as a server and cashier and the job itself is unimportant. But it’s important to my boss to have employees helping with her business. And it’s important to the customers who come. 

Imagine if no one chose to take jobs as a janitor in buildings or a cashier or food server because the jobs are too “low” or boring and imagine if no one chose to be a doctor because it’s too sad or gruesome or demanding. Imagine if there were no lawyers because it’s an “immoral” job.

Imagine if there was no one with the strength and courage to be aggressive, detached, deceptive, bold….

We wouldn’t have anyone to be lawyers, doctors, detectives….all of which we need. 

In a fiction book I read recently (I don’t remember which one but it may be ASBO or Housemates both by Iain Wright {horror novelist}) there are these thug people, physically strong and aggressive and can overpower just about anyone they want. They are some kind of gang members or organized murderers and one of them tells one of their “victims” that he could never be strong or tough enough to do what they do.

And at first I kind of thought of that as a bad thing. Being wimpy and physically weak isn’t good. Just because we’re not gang members and don’t abuse our power over others doesn’t mean we’re weak or wimps but it’s good to be able to have the power and strength to defend ourselves against attacks by others. There’s nothing wrong with being strong and powerful as long as we don’t abuse it. 

But then the character in the book says he is happy he doesn’t have what it takes to be a murderer or gang member, that he would never want to be.

There may be some people who don’t ever want to be in a gang or have a certain job but still wish they had the strength or courage to do that kind of work.

But this character is thankful he doesn’t even have what it takes. 

It’s great to be “tough” and “streetsmart” and physically strong and bold but it’s also good to be innocent and not even have it in us to be like that. We need us all. 

And we don’t just need everyone for the jobs we can do, but just for the beings that we are.

It’s great and ok to have outgoing people, shy people, those who are soft and those who are badass…

Short people and tall people, those with much energy and motivation and those who just want to keep it simple, loud and quiet, and those with a combination of characteristics, religious and non religious, light skin, dark skin, blonde, brunette, orange hair, purple hair, tattooed, pierced, hetero., homo., bi/pan, lgbtqa, healthy, sick, disabled, young, old, introverted and extroverted, financially rich, poor, homeless, jobless, career people and stay at home parents…logical, creative, spiritual, artistic, skeptical, grounded, idealistic, realistic, wild & adventurous, safe & cautious, romantic, dreamers, simple, complex, human, animal, insect……there’s a place for us all. 
We can all teach and learn, all have hopes, fears, needs, desires….all ultimately want to avoid suffering. 

People with less power or resources than us can teach us or remind us of compassion and those with more can inspire us. 

Each situation we experience can teach or remind us something , awaken our wisdom deep within, each person can open a new door for us if we allow it. 

We can see the positive in everyone and the worth of every being no matter the species, size, religion, color, status, nationality, profession…..if we pay attention. 

We all have different weaknesses and strengths. 

We all complement each other and bring balance to the world. There’s always going to be beings and situations that need and call for just what we can provide. Maybe it’s our compassion, our aggression, our softness, our bold personality, our determination, our calmness, our passion, our acceptance, our sarcasm, our soothing energy, our knowledge of  seemingly trivial things, our ability to be deep and serious, our ability to be lighthearted and carefree, our simplicity or our complexity, our “tough-love” or our smothering, warm, sappy love ….that the situation calls for or that someone needs at the moment.

Not all of us can be or provide all of these things and that’s ok. We can all be and provide something when it’s appropriate. We all have gifts and skills that others do not. 

If we or our beautiful qualities are not needed in a certain situation or not desired by a certain someone, it’s not because someone else or some other way is better. It’s just that different people and different situations need different people and things. 😀

There’s always going to be someone who is better for someone or something than someone else. And that’s ok. 

The world needs us all. 👪

We can bask in the beauty of our Oneness but also appreciate diversity and see the beauty in it. 💙

Remember, it takes various kinds of people to run our world. 

We need everyone.  

❤ ❤

Much love & light to you always & forever,

Xoxo Kim 

Random inspiration


This would have been a prettier picture if my earphone cord wasn’t in the way!

Here are some recent photos I took and some inspiring quotes!


“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” ~ William Morris

This is a great idea! One I really need to put into practice! My room has all kinds of useless and not all beautiful stuff. 


This is me on a bus Tuesday. The reason I took this pic is the floors on the busses are wonderfully sparkly!

So lovely!


“A beautiful woman delights the eye; a wise woman, the understanding; a pure one, the soul.”


“I know who I am. I am not perfect. I’m not the most beautiful woman in the world. But I’m one of them. ” ~Mary J. Blige


“Smiling is definitely one of the best beauty remedies. If you have a good sense of humor and a good approach to life, that’s beautiful.”


“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.”


A lot of these are the same pic but with different effects. I took them on Tuesday. 😀


“Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that’s when you’re most beautiful.”

I disagree. While I agree that self love and self confidence are beautiful and inspiring, I think loving others is even more beautiful. I disagree that we can’t love others until we first love our own selves. Someone else and me are two separate someones, I can love one of us and not the other. There are lots of people with low self esteem who love others deeply. Both self love and love for others are great and I have a good amount of both! ❤ 


“Love is like a beautiful flower which I may not touch, but whose fragrance makes the garden a place of delight just the same.”


This is my baby, Woody! I love his adorable freckles that appear in the Spring! ❤


 “My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute all my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her.”

Aww! ❤ I have one of the best mamas too! A beautiful mom is a blessing to the world! 


My fur goddess, Isis Summerjo! ❤

"The most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence."

In my opinion, the most beautiful thing we can wear is compassion!  



Adorable baby snail! ❤ 😀
s/he was just born and already eats (carrots & cucumbers) and walks all around! ❤ 😀 Cutest thing ever! They are clear/translucent when they are newborns.


This is not a book I have; it’s just an advertisement that came up on my Kindle’s home screen. It’s an interesting title, like a reverse of the old cliche “Time heals all wounds.”

This is another book I haven’t read but I like the cover and name. 


And another! 


I hope you are having a beautiful day or night!

❤ 😀

Much love,

xoxo Kim

Furfriend <3


If you love dogs then you’re in luck!
Here are a couple pics of my adorable boy, Woody, this morning!  
(he falls asleep with me each night and wakes up with me each morning. Always by my side. <3)
And some doggy quotes! 


“My little dog, a heartbeat at my feet”
(or across my face!) lol 😀

“Whoever said diamonds are a girl’s best friend never had a dog.”

“He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.”


“I love a dog. He does nothing for political reasons.”


“If you can’t decide between a Shepherd, a Setter or a Poodle, get them all … adopt a mutt!” ~ASPCA

“Children and dogs are as necessary to the welfare of the country as Wall Street and the railroads.”

"If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience."
~ attributed to  Woodrow Wilson but I don't know if that is accurate. (probably not, I often copy & paste quotes and sometimes forget to remove the inaccurate names or state that I'm not aware of the accuracy of it. So much wrong info. Floating around cyberspace! And if we aren't careful, it's so easy to unintentionally perpetuate it)

"If your dog doesn't like someone you probably shouldn't either."

Lol right?! Unless your dog is one of those snippy little things who seems to loathe everyone in the world! I have a few of those!

Those little dogs are the worst!  

"The more people I meet the more I like my dog."

No, I love people just as much! ❤

"The average dog is a nicer person than the average person."

What's up with the people bashing? (I copied some of these quotes off a page that has quite a few quotes implying that people are no good) Most people I meet aren't horrible. And if we keep dwelling on how terrible people are and what's wrong in the world, it just perpetuates the negative energy and hostility. 
How about instead let's counter their hostility with love? ❤

And if we walk around thinking people are terrible, it may provoke us to have a defensive or negative attitude and contribute to us acting in ways (unconsciously or intentionally) that provoke them to act in unpleasant ways during interactions with us, confirming our view that people suck. On & on & on…

Also, by nature humans have more choices and abilities and less limitations than dogs. We can reason and think abstract thoughts. This can allow us to do more unpleasant (and pleasant) things than dogs. Like if I see someone do something I don't like, I can be rude about it, seek revenge, flip someone off, say something unkind….because my brain has that capacity. A dog's brain doesn't. It doesn't mean my dog is nicer than me. Lol 

We just have a different nature in this way. If dogs could drive cars and flip people off and yell obscenities, you know they would! Lol 
I see dogs getting pissed! They just can't react in all the ways humans can. 
It doesn't mean they are better. 

"Dogs love their friends and bite their enemies, quite unlike people, who are incapable of pure love and always have to mix love and hate."

We don't have to. And I don't "hate" anyone or anything! Hatred is destructive. Sometimes it can fuel us and motivate us to act for the better but so can love & compassion. Hatred may influence us to act out it ways that destroy or put more negativity in the world. And it can eat us alive if we let it. It is toxic energy. Compassion inspires us to act lovingly. There are things I strongly dislike in the world but "hating" it does no good. Instead I have compassion for those wronged or who are suffering but it's my compassion for them I focus on more than the dislike/hate for whatever or whoever is responsible for the misfortune. And we are not incapable! That's disempowering. We all have the capacity to love, some just have not developed it more or ignore it.
Some people argue that if we don’t hate things like injustice for example or certain kinds of discrimination, we will not be motivated to take action, to help change things for the better. It’s simply not the truth. Love & compassion are motivation enough.

We mostly all have pleasant and unpleasant emotions, thoughts, feelings….in us and like the Cherokee legend says, it's the ones we feed that win. Let's feed that love! 

"I hope if dogs ever take over the world, and they choose a king, they don't just go by size, because I bet there are some Chihuahuas with some good ideas."

Chihuahuas have big heads (not literally), those things can be quite vicious! They are usually the ones growling at me when I see them outside! Lol Woody is a pomchi (pomeranian and chihuahua mix and also part dachshund) and he does tend to get pissed off when things don't go his way! He's a yapper and a screamer! 

He often wants me to go upstairs and lay in bed with him and yells at me at the top of the stairs until I go up! 

He thinks he's a big watch dog and if he gets yelled at, he yells back! It's the cutest thing!  

And he sometimes growls at my big pitbull and takes her bones! What balls! Messing with a big bully dog! He knows she doesn't do anything back and he probably thinks he's as big as she is. 

He's the sweetest thing! As you can see in the pictures! He's sitting on me as I write this! ❤

He loves bones and toys and is the biggest beggar! Lol He's a spoiled lil thing! 

He chews EVERYTHING! He never outgrows it. All my clothes, shoes, earphones, phone chargers….ruined.

It sucks! Both him and his sister, Quinny, chew whatever they can get their little paws on.  

Woody & Quinny, especially Woody, rip my pants off when I’m attempting to walk up steps, they hold onto my legs and it’s like those dreams where we’re trying to run and our legs are like too heavy or stuck, kind of like that scene in the Fred Krueger movie where the girl Nancy is trying to run up the steps but her legs are being pulled in the muck, like quicksand.

A Nightmare on Elm Street sticky stairs scene – mobile

Sticky stairs scene – desktop

They are bad to the bone, especially Woody. Their daddy, Emmy used to be bad but he outgrew it quickly. I don’t think they will.

But it’s ok, bad dogs are the best dogs! ;-D

I think Marley’s human said something of that sort. Marley wasn’t quite the perfect angel himself, I hear.

Him & his sister will be two years old in July.

We had him since he was born:


This is him as a newborn. Tell me is this not the cutest thing you ever saw?!

I was reading a horror fiction book, a supernatural thriller, recently one night and there are a bunch of pigs in the streets in Ireland and they were eating a human corpse (I know, eww!) and a little dog wanted to eat but the pigs are bigger and wouldn’t let him so he had to sit back and wait to see if he got any but the body was taken away. I felt so sorry for the little dog and Woody was sleeping next to me so I picked him up and hugged and kissed him, imagining the little dog in the Kindle book who was excluded! Lol 
My mom said it’s good he did not get any and imagine being licked by him if he did! 


“No matter how little money and how few possessions you own, having a dog makes you rich.”

This is true. I have six (living ones) so am rich beyond my wildest dreams! 

I’m blessed! ❤

"If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then give him only two of them."

Lol true again! 

So here is one of my little furfriends! ❤

“I broke a thousand hearts
Before I met you
I’ll break a thousand more, baby
Before I am through
I wanna be yours pretty baby
Yours and yours alone
I’m here to tell ya honey
That I’m bad to the bone
Bad to the bone
Bad to the bone” ❤

Bad to the Bone – Geroge Thorgood – mobile

Bad to the Bone – desktop

Much love & light and sloppy puppy kissies to you! ❤


xoxo Kim

Let the rain kiss you


“The three great elemental sounds in nature are the sound of rain, the sound of wind in a primeval wood, and the sound of outer ocean on a beach.” ~ Henry Beston

Guess what today is? A rainy, rainy day! So magical!

I was out walking in it and the Earthy scents and beautiful droplets upon my skin is enthralling!

Just lovely! 😀 ❤

In honor of this lovely blessing I'm sharing some rainy quotes & a few of my pictures!

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“Rain is grace; rain is the sky descending to the earth; without rain, there would be no life.” ~John Updike

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“Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.” ~ Ashley Smith

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“Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.” ~ John Ruskin

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“The best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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“Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby.” ~ Langston Hughes

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My mom found my camera not too long ago so I been taking photos with it instead of my phone. My phone is full. And I won’t be deleting photos until I get my photobucket account upgraded and can put the pics on.

At first I did not really like my camera and thought my phone takes better pics but after learning to use it better, I love it! And it takes better pics than my phone!

❤ ❤ So thankful for it!


I hope you are having a beautiful day or night wherever in the world you are!

Much love to you now & forever, ❤

xoxo Kim 😀



Recently, I got a new Mala!
Isn’t it lovely! 
I really love this one! 


I don’t really care for the fact that it doesn’t have divider beads though! 😦

Oh well, I still love it!

The kind of red coloring is so pretty!

Malas are Buddhist prayer beads.

They are used for Mantra recitation, to generate positive energy and discipline the mind.

There are various mantras associated with different Buddhas.

It’s believed that when we touch the beads and say/think the mantra, the energy goes onto the Mala. 


The way I practice Mala recitation is in a secular way, I don’t pray to a Buddha to actually answer me. It’s just a peaceful meditative activity that gets our mind in the habit or more in the habit of positive thinking or a positive, peaceful state.  Even if we are already positive and peaceful, it can help us to be calm even more frequently, even in very stressful, depressing, situations later, even when we are not engaging in recitation.

We don’t have to be Buddhists or religious or any specific kind of spiritual to practice Mala recitation and benefit.

The mantra can be recited once a day or all throughout the day, even walking up a street, at a restaurant, in line at a store…whenever we want, wherever we want(as long as it’s safe/appropriate to be concentrating on it, I don’t know about while driving or performing surgery, in a talk therapy session with a patient…). The point is to truly experience it though, not to absent-mindedly engage in it.

The mantra I chose for this Mala is the

Manjushri Mantra,
Om A Ra Pa Ca Na Dhih


“This mantra is believed to enhance wisdom and improve one’s skills in debating, memory, writing, and other literary abilities. “Dhīḥ” is the seed syllable of the mantra and is chanted with greater emphasis and also repeated a number of times as a Decrescendo.”

“A leads to the insight that the essence of all things is unproduced.
RA leads to the insight that all things are pure and free of defilements.
PA leads to the insight that all dharmas have been “expounded in the ultimate sense.”
CA leads to the insight that the arising and ceasing of things cannot be apprehended because in reality there is no arising or ceasing.
NA leads to the insight that although the names for things change the nature of things behind their names cannot be gained or lost.”

Source: http://www.wildmind.org/mantras/figures/manjushri

Manjushri is a bodhisattva, depicted as a beautiful young prince of transcendent wisdom.

You can hear the mantra said over and over here (mobile) or here (desktop)... It’s so soothing.

Malas typically are strung with 108 beads and divider beads. A mantra session can be performed for all 108 beads at once or less. It’s believed by Buddhists that the energy for the mantra goes on the beads and each recitation session adds more energy. If a different mantra is used for the same Mala, the energy for the previous mantra clears and the new energy goes on. 


I have five Malas.
I’m not yet in the habit of practicing everyday though like some who are very dedicated.
It can be overwhelming until we truly ingrain the habit.

People who have practiced for many years with the same Mala, often take great care not to have their Mala lost or damaged because there goes all that positive energy, years worth, down the drain! 

But Buddhism/Mala recitation  is all about inner  peace, and all those years of Mala recitation, hopefully, provides them with the strength to handle such misfortune. 

If you want to see about various mantras, check this out!


If you aren’t into Mala recitation and mantras, this is probably a boring post for you. 

And I love to mostly share things that can be appealing to people in general. 

Unlike what many people say about themselves and their blogs, I don’t mostly post for myself. I do post things for me but my main intention is to help uplift & inspire  others who may come across my content now or later. It will always be here (hopefully!)!
Of course everything I post is something I want to share so in that way it is for me. 

Even if I wanted to post something I thought no one else would care for, I still would post it. I already have but most of it got “likes” anyway! I’m so honored when people like my content.

But I always want to include something that may be more interesting to others.  

So if you opened this post and couldn’t care less, you’re in luck! Lol

Because I will share some fantastic quotes here as well! 

“My life has no purpose, no direction, no aim, no meaning, and yet I’m happy. I can’t figure it out. What am I doing right?” ~
Charles M. Schulz

Lol I feel this way often, like I have no specific purpose, but not in a bad way, no need for a purpose, my purpose is just to be. It’s beautiful to feel that way. When I’m depressed sometimes I feel the opposite about it, like I have no purpose and it sucks! Lol It’s all about the attitude! 

“The universe was a vast machine yesterday, it is a hologram today. Who knows that intellectual rattle we’ll be shaking tomorrow. ” ~ R.D. Laing

“A rose is a rose is a rose.” ~ Gertrude Stein

Whaaattt??? Lol 😉

“The present moment is a powerful goddess.” ~ Goethe

“Life is a child playing around your feet, a tool you hold firmly in your grip, a bench you sit down upon in the evening, in your garden.” ~ Jean Anouilh

“The man bent over his guitar,
A shearsman  of sorts. The day was green.
They said, ‘You have a blue guitar,
You do not play things as they are.’
The man replied, ‘Things as they are 
Are changed upon a blue guitar…'” ~ Wallace Stevens 

Such deep wisdom here. 

“Wind moving through grass so that the grass quivers. This moves me with an emotion I don’t even understand.” ~ Katherine Mansfield

This is one of the most beautiful experiences in the world! To witness something so mundane and so simple and be so inspired, filled with immense emotion that can’t even be described, like gratitude, love, beauty, happiness, joy, awe…I feel this often! ❤


"No snowflake falls in an inappropriate place." ~ Zen saying 

"There is nothing useless in nature; not even uselessness itself." ~ Montaigne

"To the dull mind nature is leaden. To the illuminated mind the whole world burns and sparkles with light." ~ Emerson

Oh yes, it burns and sparkles with passion, light, love….

"Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the men of old; seek what they sought." ~ Basho

Allow their wisdom to guide us but follow our own way.

"If we achieve satori and the satori shows, like a bit of dogshit stuck on the tip of our nose, that is not so good." ~ Taisen Deshimaru

Lol Don't flaunt that shit! Be humble. Just be.

So reading this post wasn't a total waste, right?…right?! 


Much love & light to you! 

Xoxo Kim 

Hope <3


“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” ~ Desmond Tutu

This is a picture I took one recent afternoon. I love how some of the sunbeams are rainbow. It’s the only one I took that showed up with a rainbow in it. It reminds me of hope and how there’s always little gems of goodness scattered throughout each day even if the day is full of darkness.

Here is the original picture:


And here is one with an effect to make the rainbow stand out.



And here is one without the rainbow:


But look at that little speck of gold that showed up on the branch! 😀 ❤



(this one isn’t mine)

Last night a deep kind of darkness washed over me for no specific reason. A violent, vicious darkness that got worse and worse. I became hopeless to the point of despair and filled with deep pain. I saw no hope for anything, no future, no reason for me to go on living. I very strongly considered ending it all. This happens now and again. I can be very happy all day then this. It can last minutes to months. The worst of this one is over now.

Last night I was looking through my pictures and saw these ones and remembered the rainbow and the speck of gold and the pink circles, the sunlight streaming through the bare tree branches and am reminded that there is hope as long as we live. Always little blessings & beauty even in the dark. And I decided to hold on at least a little bit longer.

This is me today:




Also! Look at this!


A powered vanilla cream donut and they put little Christmas colored sprinkles on the cream that dripped out through the donut! lol My sister said it’s stupid but I just had to have it when I saw it!

It’s the little simple things that often bring much joy! ❤


If you are like me and struggle with depression and suicidal inclination or have any pain or problem, please keep holding on, I’m sending you my love. ❤ <33

"Don't lose hope. When the sun goes down, the stars come out."

Much love & light to you!

xoxo Kim ❤



I clicked on the Santa link under the Google search box and this appeared! I love it! ;-D ❤

A Message


“Her name is Noelle
I have a dream about her
She rings my bell
I got gym class in half an hour
Oh, how she rocks
In Keds and tube socks
But she doesn’t know who I am
And she doesn’t give a damn about me
‘Cause I’m just a teenage dirtbag baby
Yeah, I’m just a teenage dirtbag baby
Listen to Iron Maiden maybe with me”

This is a song I first heard by Wheatus many years ago one Summer night when I was a kid. It’s a really funny song. I only ever heard it on a few occasions and liked it but did not really pay attention to the lyrics. When I was listening to songs on YouTube recently, it suggested this one and I remembered it all those years ago. 

At first it doesn’t seem like a positive song. Teenage dirtbag? Lol 

But if you pay close attention to the lyrics, it’s actually inspiring and uplifting. It’s also hilarious! ;-D

The kid singing is in love with a girl he believes doesn’t know he exists and probably wouldn’t care about him if she did. 

“She doesn’t give a damn about me.” 

She already has a boyfriend and the boy singing thinks he doesn’t stand a chance with a girl like her. He refers to himself as a “dirtbag” and thinks the girl is way out of his league. 

But then something amazing happens! 

Check it out:

“Man, I feel like mold
It’s prom night and I am lonely
Lo and behold
She’s walking over to me
This must be fake
My lip starts to shake
How does she know who I am?
And why does she give a damn about me
‘I’ve got two tickets to Iron Maiden, baby
Come with me Friday, don’t say ‘maybe’
I’m just a teenage dirtbag, baby, like you'”

It turns out, the girl does know he exists and is interested in him. She doesn’t see herself as much different than him. He is her equal. 

“Come with me Friday, don’t say ‘maybe’
I’m just a teenage dirtbag, baby, like you”

I love the message here! Someone who we think doesn’t care for us at all, can care very much! And someone we feel is way better than us for whatever reason, may not feel that way at all. We are all equal in worth even though we all have different skills and flaws and experiences.

It reminds me of two quotes:

“Someone somewhere is looking for exactly what you have to offer.”

“Don’t frown, you never know who is falling in love with your smile.” 


Also, I think this is a good reminder to pay attention to song lyrics, even ones that seem disturbing or negative or nonsensical at first glance. There may be deep wisdom where we least expect it!

If nothing else, this song may give you a good laugh!

Teenage Dirtbag – mobile

Teenage Dirtbag – desktop


Hugs & love ❤

Xoxo Kim